Should Wynn Resorts blow past the consensus estimate once again, it could force analysts to reconsider their positions and upgrade the stock or issue a price-target increase.
If stock price declines after issuing the stock options, companies may choose to re-price the options by lowering the exercise price or even issue more options to the executive at a lower exercise price.
The price of redefining gun violence as an issue pertaining only to "those people" -- of casting and recasting the gun statistics to make them less grisly if only "those people" are toted under some different heading in some different ledger -- the price of that redefinition is to lose our ability to think about the problem at all.
We watch these things very closely, and obviously one price that has gone up substantially, which is why -- which was an issue he addressed in a major speech yesterday, had to do with oil and gas prices.
Nonetheless, the domination of the Chinese heavy-duty market by the local players demonstrates once again the importance of price and the issue of affordability in the China market.