It has what is known as a long tail - it takes several years for claims to materialise on policies taken out several years previously.
BBC: Independent maverick falls to earth
It already has a 64, 000km-long tail of dust and gas that will become visible to the naked eye later in the year - a trail scientists will study closely.
BBC: Comet Ison caught on film by Deep Impact craft
"We had always expected a gap-filler with typically intermediate features such as a moderately elongate tail -- neither long nor short -- but the strange thing about Darwinopterus is that it has a head and neck just like that of advanced pterosaurs, while the rest of the skeleton, including a very long tail, is identical to that of primitive forms, " he said.
CNN: Pterodactyl fossil fills gaps in evolutionary tale
It turns out that the long-tail theory, while true, has a nonintuitive corollary: Aggregators are the ones who benefit most from all that choice.
FORBES: Magazine Article