He retained the original front doors and fireplace--each stone was numbered so it could be replaced just so--adding new windows in the exact positions as those in the old building.
It just--it's so horrifying as to not even--something I don't even want to think about.
Intriguing, but for now -- like deploying tractor beams from the starship Enterprise -- it's just so much super-science.
Despite this, you soon get the "so-much-of-it" feeling - there's just so much to go round you think, that making a few footprints or taking the odd souvenir won't harm anything or anyone.
Mental illness has become so broadly defined and so common that it has become meaningless just as, some years earlier, counter-cultural rebellion became so common that it ceased to constitute rebellion at all.
So it's probably just a matter of - what is it, Seuss was turned down 24 times, and so I'll keep plugging away.
The Keepin' It Real Fake industry has become so good, so fast, so well-tuned to market trends that we knew it was just a matter of time before it'd be consistently beating the real phones to market.
ENGADGET: Nokia Twist launching on Verizon starting September 13
It means doctors can no longer work the hours they used to - either pacing the wards or on call - and so it is just not possible in a day-and-age when money is tight to employ all the new medics needed to staff specialist services in each hospital.
It's just that trailers are so small that it's--they're very uncomfortable.
It's just... the internet is an amazing thing, and everybody wants it everywhere -- if for anything just for e-commerce so I can just one-click something on Amazon on my damn phone.
There are a couple of hot pools and a cold one, too - just to get the heart going - so it is best to stick a toe in before doing your cannonball.
It's just so gorgeous, well-made and comfortable to use that we're willing to forgive these shortcomings somewhat.
So it just developed - the passion in me just developed from just seeing the difference between how we used to live in Sierra Leone and how we live here in the States.
"I felt really guilty when I started being really moody- but learning it is just what happens- I don't feel so bad anymore".
BBC: Brain scan study to understand workings of teenage mind
It just so happens that most wine-and-food absolute write-offs are based around vegetables.
WSJ: Will Lyons on Wine: Pairings for Those Salad Days | Best Wines for Vegetarian Dishes
You tweet -- everybody say it just so everybody remembers it.
We did a great job - just so happy going on to the semis, it's a moment to savour - from tomorrow we will concentrate on the semi-final.
And as difficult as it is to try and keep up what I try to do on the road, like occasionally exercise and try to eat right -- it's tough when the easiest food is pizza -- I just believe so strongly in who we are as a nation.
So it -- just as if something happens in one of the federal parks here it might involve the National Park Service or something like that.
And so it's just basically--"Eli The Barrow Boy, " the song, is just kind of a--it's just a tragedy of a very sort of sweet character, who just never really gets a break in life, I guess.
Naturally, it helped set off the ringtone craze, becoming so ubiquitous that just two years later, it was a tongue-in-cheek, kind of retro move to still have it vibrating the table when your mom called.
He said: "We have to rethink and redesign what our city centres are all about - and the city centre of Newport has taken a brave step in saying that maybe it's not just about retail, that it's not just about office space - it's about this kind of mixed activity, so dwelling spaces as well as commercial spaces".
And it's just - and it's just this sort of - I'm amazed when people watch it because I have so many friends that do watch it and enjoy it.
Unidentified Girl: When you're reading "Harry Potter, " it's kind of like it's your own special little world, and then you realize there are all these people, like, showing up to buy the first copy and you realize that it's everyone else's special world, too, and it's kind of--it's just weird to be, like, part of something so big when it feels like it's just yours.
It's being - it's telling the truth, and not just rhyming with beautiful melodies so people would buy it.
Sadly, few software developers are crafting their wares (warez?) to take advantage of multi-core processing as is, so it's gonna take more than just the existence of Intel's 48-core chip to make its vision a reality.
ENGADGET: Take that linear algebra to go: Intel's 48-core chip targeting smartphones and tablets
Dutch corporate law keeps it from nominating more than two out of nine board members, meaning that it controls just 25% of the board even when it holds 92% of the equity so the spin-off makes sense from a governance perspective.
But it isn't just higher taxes that make these so-called progressive states less attractive to business.
He replied that of course we wish it were so -- but we just can't say it.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Chris Cox 1997 Keeper of the Flame remarks