The efficiency should be good for the bottom line, and it should be good for the environment.
He adds that it should be good news for hard-pressed consumers who will see cheaper - if slightly misshapen - vegetables appearing in the shops.
Senator BLANCHE LINCOLN (Democrat, Arkansas): If it's good enough for federal employees and it's good enough for members of Congress, I think it should be good enough for the millions of small business employees who are the economic backbone of communities throughout this nation.
Regulation of these individuals is not as good as it should be or as good as you think it is.
FORBES: Pension Consultant Conflicts of Interests (April 1, 2002 )
"Everyone I've talked to has spoken glowingly of the club and it should be a good time, " he told BBC Radio Solent.
"More people will be able to trade, more people will be able to do their tourism and it should be a good economic driver, " he says.
And I fully expect that to happen again as we kick off first-quarter earnings over the next several days, and it should be a good ride for a week or two.
The green paper says that although health is improving, it is not as good as it should be.
As you might expect, the idea has not gone down very well in the US, where the view that government might be a force for good in society and that it should be properly funded is seen by many as dangerous liberalism verging on communism.
Care should not be a lottery, it should not be that if you are number 49 of 50 patients that you get good quality care but if you happen to be number 50 you don't get good quality care.
It would be fitting and good, I think, if on each Inauguration Day in future years it should be declared a day of prayer.
He said a national version of the system would be a good idea, though he did not think it should be compulsory.
And if the state doesn't have a good reason, it should be struck down.
They could be permitted to defer its payment, but if it were for more than a couple of years it would be a good indication they should be wound down.
If government does have a role, it should be only when rigorous analysis suggests more good than bad will come of it, weighing the realities of both market failure and government failure.
That HDMI cable -- bundled in the box, as it should be -- is also put to good use with 1080p video content, which looks sharp and plays back flawlessly on the 2X.
If a school finds new ways of achieving good results, then it should be applauded and copied.
And of course, if it's a social good, society should be paying.
It is not good relations with Ankara that should be the U.S. goal, but rather the triumph of the democratic and liberal ideas for which Turkey traditionally stands.
Given that people and groups like al-Qaida and Hamas that share Hasan's views assert that all Jews should be killed, it would seem that the good rabbi would not feel the need to attack professors who point out that Hasan's views are dangerous.
It seems clear that aid should be directed towards countries with good management and lots of poor citizens.
This year's victory by the NFC Tampa Bay Buccaneers should be good for stocks, though it helps to ignore the fact that the team played one season in the AFC in 1976.
The result should be good for consumers, since it ought to mean that people are offered goods and services appropriate to their wants and needs, rather than an endless stream of junk mail.
She said this could be explained through the "just-world hypothesis, " the belief that people think the world should be good -- and when it is not, especially when a blameless and vulnerable person suffers as a result, someone needs to be punished.
An absence of receptors should therefore be a good thing, because it closes off a shortcut to infection.
If so, then it is hard to see why computers should not be recognised for good work as well.