Kelman comes home some nights itching to complain about work but has to stop himself.
Ms. LINNEY: (As Wendy Savage) Yeah, everyone's really itching for a book about (unintelligible) breakfast on holiday season.
For contractors itching to erect some buildings, the best opportunities last year were in multi-family residential.
Inflammatory and hair loss conditions of the scalp are rare but can also cause itching.
Inflammation of the hair follicles or bacterial infection of the scalp can also cause itching.
The US, led by the Republican Party, is itching for at least a partial default.
FORBES: Is US Debt Problem As Big As The 1990s Latin America Crisis?
Scalia also appears to be itching for a fight over class actions in general.
FORBES: Scalia Stays $270 Million Tobacco Verdict, Hints At Reversal
Fox plays Marty McFly, a teen itching to break loose from his dull family.
But there are also plenty of 18-year-olds who are itching to get the four-year party started.
And he is already itching to return to the ring to back up his claims.
Some of those who lost in the Republican primaries are itching for another try.
But, mostly, he and other players were just itching to get back on the ice.
CNN: After long labor standoff, NHL players finally back on ice
Ergo: a massive installed user base, a large part of which will be itching to upgrade.
But Polish negotiators are irritated by the presumption that Polish workers are itching to leave.
In particular, dermatological effects such as itching, rashes and intense flushing are often seen with niacin.
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Many treatments for acne cause redness, itching and irritation, which make it difficult to continue using them.
Former Olympic silver medalist Khan is itching for a rematch to get his career back on track.
Itching may be severe, and scratching the rash can make it even itchier and cause more inflammation.
In short, we're itching to test those skills IRL against the current video-recording king, Nokia's Lumia 920.
ENGADGET: Sony Xperia Z: hands-on with the new flagship at CES 2013 (video)
NewsCorp, for one, must be itching to send its Daily Drone out for a spin this week.
FORBES: Sandy Through The Eyes of YouTube and a Drone: Falling Trees, Fires and Flooding
Mr Gale tried to downplay his departure, insisting he had been itching to go for some years.
Itching to get back to startups, she left Cisco in April and joined Carrico to form Packet Design.
But I was itching to pedal myself into a hot sweat, and so I bought an indoor spin bike.
He's now itching to acquire a state-owned bank, once the government allows it.
We've been watching the other matches and itching to get out there and we've put up a great performance.
The young Swedes are itching to create Web startups like their American counterparts.
Unfortunately too many regulators around the world are itching to do much more.
Not really the actions of someone itching to be paying more in tax.
Encouragingly, hedge funds are itching to take advantage of the attractive financing terms.
An honourable man, he is doubtless itching for the legitimacy that a probable electoral victory will confer on him.