Sir Ian said he was considering publishing claims under generic headings such as "office costs" - rather than item by item - as long as Ipsa itself was able to keep itemised records.
And if the donated item-say a computer-is given by a business that has already deducted the item as a business expense, there is no further writeoff.
As a UN official once put it in connection with the need to regulate small arms - another transie agenda item now endorsed by Team Obama - "Americans are citizens of the world just like everybody else, " adding that they better get used to it by getting with the program.
To be fair, deals on office supplies shift by brand and item--and stores offer different promotions at different times of the year.
Smartphone users can take advantage of live remote synchronization or check off a to-do item by, for example, scheduling an appointment in the field or following up on something via a phone call.
Spending on Medicaid, the health-care safety net for the poor (and the third-largest item on many state budgets), jumped by 14% this year, thanks to costly new technology and the increasing demands of an ageing population.
But Senior Policy Advisor Rahm Emanuel and National Economic Council Advisor Gene Sperling are said to believe that the president should send a powerful signal to Congress now by using the line-item veto.
The 141-item test, co-created by Yale University Provost Peter Salovey, measures how well applicants might manage or understand their own emotions with questions about everyday scenarios.
Answer: A -- Paper is by far the No. 1 item Americans dispose of.
Another hot-button item, Social Security reform, could be affected by a Democratic Senate.
And if you need the how-to instructions, click on the building guide mode - top left, third button - and it will give you the option to watch the item being built or alternatively you can generate a step-by-step building guide which you can then print out.
Demand-side programs work by reducing the desire that people have for the item in question.
Instead of creating listings for each item, wannabe auctioneers need only fill the pre-paid mailing bag (provided by eBay) with the clothes and accessories they wish to sell.
While it's not known what Francis and his predecessor will discuss, Vatican observers believe that one item on the agenda will be the contents of a 300-page report presented by three cardinals to Benedict in the wake of the so-called Vatileaks scandal.