Beyond its capability to shoot high-quality still photos, both models can record 720p High Definition (HD) video.
The major innovation behind Nina is its capability to retain context over time.
War is the use of military force to attack another nation and damage or destroy its capability and will to resist.
Simply put, as the cell line ages it loses its capability to differentiate itself into various tissues and thus is less useful.
He argues, convincingly, that American decision-makers frequently exaggerated its capability, and even that they revitalised al-Qaeda, in Iraq and elsewhere, through bad policy.
That means the interconnector can only operate at half its capability.
If one agent bids twice as much as another for the use of a piece of equipment, the first agent will be given two-thirds of its capability and the second one-third.
The Internet's greatest advantage -- its capability to cheaply beam content to any computer anywhere in the world -- is the same reason it's being so highly regulated by the IOC.
Its capability to send and receive email, review documents, and surf the web are far superior to that of a smaller smartphone because the Internet was not designed for four-inch screens.
FORBES: Is The iPad Better Than A Cell Phone For Global Roaming?
He said helicopters sometimes had to land in "very tricky places" by day and it would be more difficult at night, so the service had to develop its capability in order to operate safely.
To achieve these reductions, the Peacekeeper ICBMs have been retired, the Navy has removed four Trident submarines from strategic service and the B-1 bomber is now used for conventional weapons only and will not retain its capability to return to a nuclear role.
For example, for Carbon-14, it would take 5730 years for the 50% of the initial remaining to turn up to lose its capability in radioactive decay in order to have 50% of what has remained after the initial remaining to activate radioactive dating.
In 2012, the National Academy of Sciences warned that a combination of budget pressure, program delays and a pair of launch failures in 2009 and 2011 left the United States facing a "rapid decline" in its capability to monitor land and seas from space.
This estimate of capability depends heavily on the questionable premise that a theater commander would be loath to use a weapon beyond its tested capability -- although this is what we did with the Patriot in the Persian Gulf War.
The team could retain its military observer capability and continue its fact-finding work, but with a limited scope in light of the violence in Syria, the report says.
The market power embedded in the Fed is exceptional, hence its signaling capability is strong.
That is a polite way of saying that its offensive capability may be limited.
Its VTOL capability comes courtesy of dual tilt-rotors that provide helicopter-style takeoffs with fixed wing speeds once airborne.
ENGADGET: South Korea creates speedy new UAV, gives it VTOL capabilities to boot
"AIG is still a very reasonable story given its earnings capability, " he says.
Intel says it generates about three-quarters of its sales abroad, but three-quarters of its manufacturing capability remains in the United States.
FORBES: Intel To Spend Between $6B And $8B On U.S. Factories [Updated]
Rather, what distinguishes the B-2 is its unsurpassed capability to perform the mission of manned penetrating bombers well into the future.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Roundtable Discussion On The B-2 Bomber
The Libyan regime saw an opportunity to upgrade its surveillance capability with French technology, according to people familiar with the matter.
WSJ: Censorship Inc.: Life Under the Gaze of Gadhafi's Spies
The operation validates the Center's longstanding support for and confidence in sea-based missile defense and its evolving capability to protect the American people.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Satellite intercept shows missile defense need
He noted that Shell expects current construction projects for LNG in Australia (where all its LNG operations are based) to eventually deliver a 30% increase in its production capability.
FORBES: Shell's 5% Dividend Yield (Part 2): Will Huge Capital Spending Pay Off?
And thanks to its AirPlay capability, Cocoon allows users to stream their iTunes music, whether from Mac or PC, as well as directly from their iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
On the face of it, this means that America could enter into an agreement requiring it to eliminate all of its CW capability while many other nations are under no such obligation.
This put the NYSE, where prices tend to be good but execution is usually slow, on notice that it had to upgrade its electronic capability at once in order to speed up trades.
This will have to wait until a public navigation signal is switched on, and it is likely to be 2015 before there are enough spacecraft in orbit for the system to start to show its true capability.
And because of the increased containment capacity out of the sealing cap, the choke line, which was feeding to the Q4000 at about 10, 000 barrels a day, will have its containment capability increased to 20, 000 to 25, 000 barrels a day.
Apple is not resting upon its past success, but rather keeps adding new capability to its old offerings in order to migrate customers to its new platforms.
FORBES: The Lion's Roar - Why Apple's Worth More than Wal-Mart, or Microsoft + Intel (Wintel)