The comedy, starring Jack Black and Michael Cera as cavemen, is facing strong competition from Warner Bros.
For that we declare Jack Black and Steve Martin among the 10 biggest entertainment turkeys of 2011.
They regularly meet with stars like Cameron Diaz, Jack Black and Charlize Theron.
Coming in second behind Fox is Po, the panda from Kung Fu Panda who was voiced by Jack Black.
The VGAs included a host of big Hollywood names, including past hosts Snoop Lion, Jack Black and Neil Patrick Harris.
In a kind of epilogue, we see the real Bernie Tiede as Jack Black interviews him, presumably picking up hints.
Other guests included Barbra Streisand, Robert Downey, Jack Black, Billy Crystal, Tobey Maguire, Salma Hayek and fashion designer Diane Von Furstenberg.
Jeff Portnoy (Jack Black), king of the gross-out comedies, who wants to show he's more than the sum of his belches.
Bernie Tiede (Jack Black), stout and soft-spoken, works as an assistant funeral director in the small town of Carthage, in East Texas.
Feb. 15, 2012: Obama speaks at Foo Fighters concert fundraiser for more than 1, 000 guests, featuring actor Jack Black and actress Rashida Jones.
The most popular video during the period was for The Year One, a stoner comedy about prehistoric times, starring Jack Black and Michael Cera.
The Fox film attracted three big stars who could play up the comic potential of the story: Jack Black, Steve Martin and Owen Wilson.
The devilish-looking comedian Jack Black, a sexist loser who wants a physically perfect woman, receives a mystical hypnosis from the (literally) gigantic self-help guru Tony Robbins.
No, the assembled media have been in a dither since her "Kung Fu Panda" co-star Jack Black let the news slip that she is expecting twins.
Jack Black, rather restrained, is the reckless huckster moviemaker Denham, and Adrien Brody is the nominal hero, though he actually receives less affection from Watts than the ape does.
In Carthage, Texas, in 1996, Bernie Tiede (Jack Black), a young man with beautiful manners, works as an assistant funeral director and brings consolation and light to his small town.
The movie, which also stars Stiller as struggling action star Tugg Speedman and Jack Black as gross-out king Jeff Portnoy, features some testy altercations between Downey's Lazarus and Jackson's Chino.
The album features a host of guests artists, including Vince Gill, Rosanne Cash and Elvis Costello, as well as Haden's wife, four children and son-in-law, actor Jack Black.
It's not surprising that such an atmospheric club has made numerous celluloid appearances, from being blown up in James Caan's Thief to acting as John Cusack and Jack Black's hangout in High Fidelity.
It will use the show, hosted by actor Jack Black, to blast its "yellow is the new black" campaign, designed to educate the young demographic about E85 ethanol technology, on MTV's many screens.
Rarely has calculated stupidity made as much sense as in this vulgar, cartoonish rock opera, starring Jack Black and Kyle Gass as a pair of metal-worshipping musical losers in quest of stardom, redemption, and the rent money.
It's a cozy, unpretentious place that looks a lot like many other small bistros in France, with two crucial distinctions: its wine selection and its proprietor, Laurent Brelin, aka "Lolo, " who looks like a taller, more-handsome Jack Black.
WSJ: The Winter Pleasures of Burgundy's Beaune | On Wine by Lettie Teague
Margot (Nicole Kidman), a novelist with a disconcerting habit of sticking a verbal knife into people, shows up at the house of her unhappy sister, Pauline (Jennifer Jason Leigh), who is about to marry an out-of-work rocker (Jack Black).
When one of her lapses prevents the affable senior-class president (Colin Hanks) from gaining acceptance to Stanford, he decides to argue his case in person, enlisting the help of his crunchy girlfriend (Schuyler Fisk) and his sweaty armpit of a brother (Jack Black).
"We went to see Be Kind Rewind - with Jack Black - and in the film they make all these re-makes of films like Ghostbusters because Black wipes all the videos in this shop where he's working, so he has to go out and retrieve them, " Young explains.
When John is not focused on the market he is an avid Black Jack and poker player.
FORBES: Buffett Next Door Advice: UUP And Away With The Dollar in 2011
For a while, he supplemented his disc jockey income in Las Vegas counting cards at Black Jack tables.
FORBES: Buffett Next Door Advice: UUP And Away With The Dollar in 2011
English director Colin Nutley cast her in the lead of his movie Black Jack in 1990 after spotting her on a film poster.
In all, 15 players have been told to go, including former All Black Chris Jack, Cencus Johnston and long-serving club men Kevin Sorrell and Ben Skirving.