It might feel good at first, but as post-1980s Japan and the post-2000 internet and telecom sectors show, bubbles have nasty aftereffects.
It might feel good at first, but, as post-1980s Japan and our post-2000 Internet sector show, bubbles have nasty aftereffects.
He places the long-serving post-war prime minister Yoshida Shigeru, who signed the U.S.-Japan peace treaty and the first post-occupation status of forces agreement, in the former camp, along with Nakasone Yasuhiro, Koizumi Junichiro, and Noda Yoshihiko.
Increasingly, fighting became a symbol of struggles with personal demons -- a sign of individualism maturing in post-war Japan, says Natume.
Its industrial-growth model has closely resembled Japan's in its post-war boom, rising on the same tide of an expanding workforce and export-led productivity gains.
The BOJ, seeking instead to get long-promised reforms in the ossified post-war workings of Japan Inc. and its regulators, is fighting for time, though its governor, Masaaki Shirakawa, now has only until April in his term.
As youngsters, these people were the shock troops during the golden period of Japan's post-war economic transformation.
The 30-year-old former employee at Japan Post Co. is heading to the U.K. in August to study fashion.
Renunciation of military solutions after all, is a cornerstone of Japan's post-WWII success and high esteem in the region.
Japan in the post-World War II era has been an export-led economy.
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Japanese renewables firms' foreign rivals know it would be hard to object to such subsidies without seeming callous, given the scale of Japan's post-quake crisis.
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In the postscript Ono writes that her life in post-war Japan influenced the work.
The goal of post-war Japan was to catch up with America by every means available.
So, very likely, is a Japanese reassessment of the post-WWII Japan-U.S. security relationship.
FORBES: A Weakened Japan's Relations with Russia and the U.S. May be Changing
It is a big change from the miraculous corporate history of post-war Japan.
In post-Fukushima Japan, nuclear power would be a much more emotive issue.
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This fund outperformed the MSCI Japan Index during the post-rebound in 2009.
And as Economics Minister, Maehara knows this, and also knows he will get tangled in the skewed politics of nuclear in post-Fukushima Japan.
FORBES: Fukushima Slugfest -- Japan's New Nuclear Regulation Authority
The altar of post-war Japan, the workplace, is cracking, as the ever-increasing number of layoffs terrifies a society in which a man's existence is defined by his job.
Naturally, many of the candidates called unfit are members of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, which has ruled Japan for most of the post-war period.
For many years the Liberal Democratic Party, which has ruled Japan for most of the post-war period, did not have any women in the lower house.
They reportedly approached Hitachi, knowing that Hitachi is desperate to find projects for its nuclear plant business as the post-Fukushima disaster Japan home market seems in terminal decline.
Japan has a huge population of post-war baby-boomers and relatively few young people indeed, so few children are being born that the population has started to shrink.
ECONOMIST: Japanese newspapers are in worse shape than they appear
In this context, then, it is interesting to watch the evolution of Panasonic, the heritor brand of Matsushita, a venerable name that never quite reached the status of zaibatsu or keiretsu (another type of Japanese conglomerate), but still narrowly missed being broken up in the industrial reforms that took place in post-World War II Japan.
In Japan the great psychological divide is pre- and post-WWII.
The same held true for post-World War II rebuilding of Japan and Germany, also coming off a much lower per capita income and consumption base.
This system provided stability during the post-war period, when a booming Japan was rebuilding itself.
Japan's March jobless rate stood at a post-war record high of 4.9% with 3.5m people out of work.