But Mr. Joiner acknowledges that such a tactic might have the opposite effect on other recruiters.
John Harrison was a working class joiner who developed an obsession for creating high-precision clocks.
I've never been a partisan, Tory or Republican, because I'm not a joiner by nature.
Whitman's beginnings were humble enough: the son of a joiner, he was one of eight children.
You can encourage joining things, even if your aging parent was never a joiner before.
Akaysha Joiner, the Aurora girl whose father attended CU in the 1980s, graduated at the top of her high-school class.
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Antidepressants seem to work too, Joiner says, and he says that he would opt for both if he were depressed.
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Joiner Mr Dillon said he had renovated the bathroom in October or November 2010 after a leaking pipe caused damage.
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Striker Danny Wright is a joiner, centre back Matt Langston is a postman and left-back Gareth Gwillim works on the London Underground.
Contractors were due to remove the tree on Tuesday but Mr Snow, a joiner from Scarborough, climbed into its branches, preventing its removal.
The strategy worked, Mr. Joiner says, because his personality "screams kitsch, " a fact that can easily be discerned from reading his blog, www.marketingheadhunter.com, about careers in marketing.
Still, the right attention-getting tactic can sometimes work, particularly when professionals tailor it for a specific recipient, says Harry Joiner, a recruiter in Atlanta who specializes in e-commerce.
And bear in mind that even if you do win a recruiter's attention using a creative gimmick, that doesn't mean you're a shoo-in for a job, Mr. Joiner says.
The Tigers were always in the ascendant and it fell to Healey to reignite his side with some creative running and passing that made tries for Dave Lougheed and Craig Joiner.
Mr Copeland begged the chairman's indulgence, stating that he was a joiner by trade and was keen to see the "early joinery work" in an outbuilding at Prehen House, a property listed in the Audit Office report.
"When I arrived at the address I saw that holes had been cut into the garden and the lady, kindly helped by her neighbours and a local joiner, had already gone to great efforts to have some of the floorboards and concrete in her conservatory uplifted, " she said.
Mr. Joiner says that he hadn't set aside money for Akaysha's education and was surprised she hadn't been offered more aid because of her top class ranking, the fact that he and his wife are alumni and that she is the child of a black parent and a Hispanic parent.
WSJ: Cost of College: Who Can Still Afford State University?