"It's my mother, " says Mayberry, who holds a law degree and a masters in journalism.
He earned a degree in broadcast journalism from Brooklyn College and also attended Louisiana State University.
In 2009, she earned a Journalism Law School fellowship from Loyola Law School in California.
Sutter earned a bachelor's degree in international studies and journalism from Emory University in 2005.
As Bob Schieffer noted, the need for local journalism has never been called into question.
Smarter and deeper journalism combined with community involvement will lead to new revenue streams.
Kristie Lu Stout started her career in journalism in San Francisco at Wired magazine's online division.
CNN: CNN Profiles - Kristie Lu Stout - Anchor and correspondent
Early on in her journalism career, Robyn was a correspondent and anchor for the South African Broadcasting Corporation.
Smerconish is a 1984 Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Lehigh University where he majored in government and journalism.
The main issue I think gaming journalism is suffering from right now is fatigue.
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Maybe you should go on the lecture circuit to various journalism classes around the country.
She cited unnamed law enforcement sources, a practice that is customary in investigative journalism.
There is no worse betrayal to quality journalism than running a media business poorly.
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Cecilia finished a journalism degree last year and decided to work on her novel.
The Bureau of Investigative Journalism found that 100 families had been moved to Slough since 2010.
Our evolving model is not the only one trying to solve what ails journalism.
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But relenting on this point is cutting journalism clean from its reason to exist.
The IRS has facilitated the tax-exempt status of journalism organizations for over 50 years.
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The judge noted he had studied journalism, had his book published and marketed it.
Self-regulation of media and journalism is a generally accepted way to apply ethical principles.
Johnson resisted working in New York journalism to avoid being compared to his father.
No less an experienced hand at journalism, Paul Craig Roberts, formerly of the Wall St.
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It may also apply to students studying journalism who have previously worked as journalists.
One would be remiss, however, to discount the practical, business realities of the journalism world.
In case anyone in Medialand is not paying attention, the lesson applies to journalism too.
James Harding offers a definition of the "public purpose of journalism" in today's Times leader.
How does public funding alter this clash between the private and the public in journalism?
The CNN iReport Awards celebrate journalism and reward iReporters for their contributions to our community.
He possessed skill, integrity and courage to an extent not often found in today's journalism.
One group betting that the media industry is ready for a change is Journalism Online.