Chris Tsuma is a sports journalist and also teaches journalism and communication at the United States International University, Nairobi.
The Department will start with a two-year Master's programme in journalism and communication while research programmes are planned for the future.
Media trainers Dinh Thi Thuy Hang (Institute of Journalism and Communication) and Do Anh Duc (Vietnam National University) facilitated the training and subsequent discussions.
But Mary-Lou Galician, head of media analysis and criticism at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University and editor of The Handbook of Product Placement in the Mass Media, is not so sure its working.
The primary target group of the project are the faculty members of the Central Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.
"I understand there's a lot of money involved, but life is in real time and so are the Olympics, " said Robert Hernandez, a Web-journalism professor the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism.
During the 4th annual UN Alliance of Civilizations Forum, specialists from UNESCO took part in the discussions on freedom of expression, where the focus was on journalism education and youth communication, and also on the role of education in sustainable development, which explored the relevance of education to sustainable development as well as the promotion of cultural diversity and intercultural understanding.
Promoting effective and responsible science communication, including science journalism, is critical to realising this broader social engagement with the sciences.
Under its revised curriculum, which was introduced in 2009 on the basis of UNESCO's Model Curriculum for Journalism Education, the Center now increasingly focuses on practical media and communication training for its graduates.
It will bring together the UN system in Senegal, the Ministry of Communication, the School of Journalism in Dakar (CESTI) and unions such as SYNPICS among others.
The dinner, which raises money for journalism scholarships, was first established in 1920 with the intent to increase communication between the president and the press.