This arrangement allows people to get just about enough calories.
"A zombie company is one which is generating just about enough cash to service its debt, so the bank is not obliged to pull the plug on the loan, " explains Mark Thomas, business strategy expert at PA Consulting and author of The Zombie Economy.
While Apple claims the device gets up to five hours of battery life--just about enough for a cross-country flight, provided you're not delayed--the inability to replace the battery on the go could be a problem for hard-core road warriors, who pop batteries into their machines the way a long-distance trucker gobbles amphetamines.
Despite ballooning public borrowing, the government's balance sheet is still just about strong enough to take on such a task.
And Rooney's potential departure did not appear to affect his team-mates as a youthful line-up just about did enough to deserve victory over their Turkish visitors.
Basic copper and cable internet access cannot run faster than about 5 megabits per second, which is just about fast enough to watch something on YouTube or for a video chat over Skype.
The silver cylinder at the top is actually a small power generating device that converts micro-vibrations into usable energy, so stick one of these on, say, a ventilation duct and you should just about get enough juice to power a calculator or even an LED.
ENGADGET: Mitsumi exhibits micro-vibration power generator and batteryless RF switch (video)
Fortunately, the plight of his heroine is just about fraught enough to survive these contrivances, and it is fun to imagine French audiences, schooled in the glories of the period, watching the parade of squabbles, whispers, and petty suspicions that is staged by a skeptical director.
The company does not have enough money, or was just about to not have enough money, to pay all of the debts it had or was about to incur.
FORBES: Intrade Closes Its Doors: But Why? Is This Another MF Global?
Chile now needed just one more goal to put themselves back in the frame to finish top, but Spain had just enough about them to take advantage of the extra man.
Winfrey also drew Armstrong out on his ex-wife, Kristin, whom he claimed knew just enough about both the doping and lying to ask him to stop.
Most interesting of all is Ms. Janas, a Hudson Valley newcomer whose Juliet is an innocent but intelligent girl-woman who knows just enough about sex to simultaneously fear and long for it.
But the major point about the article is that robots is now getting so cheap that soon enough just about all assembly and factory jobs are going to be done by such robots.
FORBES: The Robots Are Going To Take All Our Jobs: Isn't It Wonderful?
The oil should be hot enough that the cakes cook in about 4 minutes, just long enough to keep the interior light and make the exterior crispy.
WSJ: Martin Picard's Fried Pancakes With Warm Maple Cream Syrup | Slow Food Fast
I, on the other hand, am just shallow enough to care about how the car actually sounds, what it feels like to drive, and, more importantly, what I look like in it.
It would have been enough just to tell about her professorship and her books.
You might have figured Canon's 2013 PowerShot lineup was diverse enough to satisfy just about any point-and-shoot craving.
These days, Barbara has been through enough to sing just about anything.
But we also know that just talking about testing isn't enough.
Housing prices are starting to edge up, but have not risen enough to limit affordability, just enough to calm fears about buying a depreciating asset.
The unit has enough resolutions to satisfy just about any home theater setup including 480i, 480p, 576p, 720p, 1080i, and 1080p (plus, a whole bunch more).
She gave him tips about wrist action, momentum, angles of incidence, about which part of the cue ball to hit when, and about the need to care just enough that you noticed you cared, but no more than that.
And they're still uncertain about orders -- do they just have enough customers to justify them doing more.
But Apple is big enough to be targeted by just about every group, activist and media organization for morally ambiguous business practices.
She was not a trader but instead worked in a clerical function that provided her with just enough information to know a bit about the industry.
The fear of contamination is spreading internationally, too, and the government is learning that it is not enough just to present scientific evidence about radiation levels.
If you are using a charcoal or wood fire, bank it to one side of your grill and keep the fire as low as possible, starting with just enough fuel to get heat, about 15 briquettes or the equivalent in hardwood charcoal.
"If it was just about the joy ride, that would be exciting enough in itself, " Mr. Branson says, leaning forward in his chair.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Richard Branson: Space��The Next Business Frontier
"He more or less just worries about if there's going to be enough food that he likes or if we have something that he likes, " she says.