Loyalty can bring just as good results as fear or greed, and probably more sustainable growth.
If you can't score a spot at Bresca, try Fore St, which is arguably just as good.
Just as good, the company instituted dividends last year, and the payout yield now is 2.6%.
"The racing is just as good, and the people are probably friendlier, " says Martin.
And this Patriot team right here is just as good as either one of those.
And it worked just as good if you were a getting a business loan too.
As good a dealmaker as he is, Saban is just as good a networker.
And I think we can do just as good of a job housing them somewhere else.
WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Press Conference on a Historic Congressional Session | The White House
For instance, why get an MRI when, in certain situations, an X ray would be just as good?
Its viewing angles were just as good as the 70-inch set, but the highlight is its glasses-free 3D.
ENGADGET: Vizio's XVT Ultra HDTVs to bring 4K and glasses-free 3D to the masses, we go eyes-on
Brands that are just as good as the number one performer and sit alongside them on the shelf.
FORBES: Does Wanting More For Less Mean The End Of Brand Loyalty?
All this to say: Sometimes real life characters are just as good as anything in a comic book.
Some will argue that gold is just as good at outpacing inflation, but the record on gold is dicey.
As long as they do the paperwork right, crowdfunding portals are just as good a source of early funds.
FORBES: 4 Signs A Company Is NOT A Good Candidate For Equity Crowdfunding
Employees with disabilities demonstrate just as good or better productivity, attendance, work ethic and enthusiasm as their peers without disabilities.
FORBES: Is Your Company Ready to Meet Its New Disability Hiring Quota?
Vining Nemo is not the only Vine mashup site either and the others are just as good, if not better.
What you need in those places is basic telephony -- and cellular is just as good for basic telephony as wire.
But, as McPherson observed, if employees feel they are doing top-flight work in their specialty, that can be just as good.
FORBES: Morale-Lifting Secret: 5 Factors That Surpass 'Balance' Or Pay
Lefsetz disagrees, saying that the industry needs to either legitimize file-sharing or create something "just as good" that is also cheap.
CNN: Rocking or reeling? Record labels adapt to a world of online music
That was almost a year ago, but quarterly reports seem to indicate that this year has been just as good or better.
FORBES: They're No Sports Center, But Disney's Theme Parks are Producing Surprising Highlights
Mr Sternbach's job was to find a compound just as good, or better, with just enough differences to get round Wallace's patent.
Employees will then go to the new health insurance exchange and purchase individual coverage that is just as good as employer based coverage.
So there were a handful of things that we said insurance companies have to do, just as good business practices to protect consumers.
After all, her way was just as good: bring a roll of film to the store, have pictures developed and share them at will.
In any case, they are just as good steamed at home as in any big city restaurant where you pay top dollar for them.
There was no virtue in letting your enemies send you to that other, better place, if Salt Lake City was essentially just as good.
However, if you can't find a whole fish, a 4-pound section of cod or halibut fillet works just as well and tastes just as good.
Written with the Fatherhood Institute, officials say it will be a "myth-busting guide" about how fathers can be just as good hands-on carers as mothers.
In Drunk, author Oliver Sickwell shows us how the choices you make while drunk are just as good as the choices you make while sober.