Is he a publicity seeker or is he using his popularity to highlight a just cause?
Allied aircrew who flew on such missions believed they fought for a just cause.
Combat experience: Harrell served in Operation Urgent Fury in Grenada, Operation Just Cause in Panama and Operation Desert Storm.
But without an equally ambitious plan for economic growth, Osborne's projected cuts will just cause pain without sufficient gain.
Fun Fact: Avalanche also developed Just Cause 2, still heralded as one of the best open-world games from this generation.
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If the dismissal was without just cause, the employer must reinstate the worker and pay the full salary since dismissal.
And while this fiasco provides just cause for recalling Shalev to Israel, the buck on this one cannot stop with her.
Mr. VERRALL: You know, I'm still experimenting, a couple I'm trying this year is green zebra, just cause it looks kind of cool.
People's Daily features a photo of the two leaders shaking hands and the headline: "China firmly supports the just cause of the Palestinian people".
Plenty of bugs just cause the software to act flaky or become unstable or hang without offering an attacker any inroads into the machine.
But like any form of unwritten protectionism there is a fair degree of just cause in the actions both of the Europeans and the Chinese.
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If war is forced upon us, we will fight in a just cause and by just means, sparing, in every way we can, the innocent.
Leveling the playing field is a just cause for all Americans.
We dare not reverse that decision without good and just cause.
The confidence expressed in 2002 was repeated by chairman of selectors David Graveney but this time England's management believe they have just cause to be optimistic.
Under its proposals, workers who are dismissed without just cause - a definition open to interpretation - would get two years' salary compensation but not their job back.
Meanwhile, scientists are continuously coming up with possible biomarker tests that may predict whether a given drug is likely to be effective, or is likely to just cause side effects.
One possibility, admittedly speculative, is that the prosecutor concluded that Zimmerman illegally confronted the victim with a weapon without just cause, and that that criminal act led to the shooting.
Surprisingly, the demo we got, which featured Just Cause 2 on the main screen, wasn't too distracting -- perhaps we've just become more accustomed to information overload than we care to admit.
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This says that any worker in a company of 15 or more employees who is fired can seek immediate recourse to an independent tribunal which will decide if he or she was dismissed with "just cause".
"The Appeals Committee concluded that the conduct of the player in taking banned drugs was gross misconduct, which entitled the club to treat the player's contract as at an end and amounted to a unilateral breach without just cause or sporting just cause, " the League said on Wednesday.
So it remains to be seen if this rather unusual public outburst against Mr Blair - and Mr Bush - will just cause a raised eyebrow for one day, or mark a rather more important ratcheting up of public concern in Britain about where Middle East policy is going.
But a student being informed about risks should not be just cause for a complete liability waiver for a university or the NCAA. This type of clause is best designed for adults of relatively equal bargaining power in a business transaction or at least where there is an employer-employee relationship.
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Of course, that's just one possible cause of allergies -- or just one possible cause of many possible causes.
As to not overwhelm their customers, Sevenly chooses just one cause per week to focus on.
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Then again, the study just might cause some confusion, if only because the topic continues to invite scrutiny.
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"I bet some of you probably remember ME just 'cause of my hair, " Richards opens the play, in a perfect good-'ol-boy accent.
Mr. DANIEL: Once the movement started and the water pressures developed, there was enough force then just to cause an entire block to slide tens of feet and to breach the levee.
Defending Freedom However heady the appeal of a call to arms, however just the cause, we should still shed a tear for all that will be lost when war claims its wages from us.
But the intermittent nature of wind power can cause just that sort of variability.
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