Mollyann Brody is Vice President for Public Opinion and Media Research for the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Health insurance is getting ever more expensive--up 59% since 2000, says the Kaiser Family Foundation.
The Kaiser Family Foundation wrote a Policy Brief (pdf) on that freeze last year.
FORBES: Nevada, Texas, Arizona - States with Highest Rate of Uninsured Kids
Nearly 7 million people will end up in the doughnut hole next year, says the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Right now only 21 states have any review power over insurance rates, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.
FORBES: Sebelius To HMOs: If You Raise Rates 10% You Will Answer To Me
But such complaints are frequent, says Drew Altman of the Kaiser Family Foundation, which financed the study.
Kaiser Family Foundation has an informative calculator to give you an idea what your premium might be.
Still the latest report from the Kaiser Family Foundation, says enrollment numbers are 15 million people below government predictions.
Most Americans saw their insurance bills jump this year, according to a new study from the Kaiser Family Foundation.
FORBES: Higher Health Insurance Premiums This Year? Blame ObamaCare
The big entitlements Medicare and Medicaid account for 46% of health care spending, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.
The average price of employer-sponsored family coverage nearly doubled between 2002 and 2012, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.
The Kaiser Family Foundation reports that women are in greater need of preventive care such as mammograms and pre-natal diagnostics.
FORBES: Guest Post: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Premiums for employer-provided health care plans are rising steadily--5% for family plans in 2009, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Between 1999 and 2009, the cost of the average family policy jumped 131 percent, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.
FORBES: Obamacare Is Worsening Damage From State Regulations
According to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll in late September, 45% of voters approved of the reform and 40% opposed it.
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, high risk-pools are currently in operation in 34 states and, in aggregate, cover approximately 200, 000 individuals.
FORBES: ObamaCare's Fuzzy Math: High Risk Pools Will Cost 8 Times What Is Budgeted
According to a November Kaiser Family Foundation survey, more than two-thirds of those polled said they want Congress to repeal the mandate.
That's according to a new poll conducted in Florida and Ohio by NPR, the Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard School of Public Health.
The insurance companies are raising prices rapidly (Kaiser Family Foundation), but they are lowering payments to providers as quickly as they can.
And the results of a new public opinion poll by NPR, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and the Harvard School of Public Health may help explain why.
The Kaiser Family Foundation measures that for all of us Americans and for all the corporations who provide health care benefits to their employees.
FORBES: The Problem With Patients In Controlling Health Care Costs
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, of the 10 million Americans with long-term health care needs, 3 million of them rely on Medicaid.
FORBES: Bi-Partisan Entitlement Reduction Efforts Focusing On Deep Cuts To Medicaid
Since 2001, insurance premiums have jumped 78% for family coverage, far outpacing inflation, according to research by the Kaiser Family Foundation, a Washington, D.
But Tricia Neuman of the Kaiser Family Foundation says that people like Shammas, who sought help in finding a better plan, are the exception.
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 8- to 18-year-olds spend an average of seven and a half hours using "entertainment media" every day.
And, again, I want to be clear that Kaiser Health News for which you work, Mary Agnes, is editorial independent of the Kaiser Family Foundation.
So let's talk again about this Kaiser Family Foundation poll that 42 percent of Americans are not sure the healthcare law is actually a law.
In addition, the good people at Kaiser Family Foundation provide regular updates and a roundup of the news in health care on The Scan.
Some 60% of companies now offer health benefits, down from 69% in 2000, according to the 2007 annual health benefits survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Although America's per capita health care spending soared in the 1980s, a 2007 study by Kaiser Family Foundation found that it slowed considerably in subsequent years.