• The real would have stabilized, particularly if the government had stated that its goal was to keep it tightly tied to the dollar.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • While it continues to roll out features which will keep users tied to its platform and boost engagement levels, none of that really matters until it can make money off them.

    FORBES: Facebook Struggles With Monetizing Its Mobile Users

  • The original Maschine controller allows more direct hardware access to oft-used parameters and two separate LCD screens to keep the user tied into the software without glancing at it--the 12.6 x 11.6-inch footprint has plenty of space to keep the buttons and knobs intuitive without much fuss.

    ENGADGET: Maschine Mikro review Alt

  • If Beijing can keep the RMB limited within the narrow range of the basket of currencies to which it is now tied, the damage will be contained.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • It helps to undermine the position of the Serb irredentists, who want to keep their part of Bosnia tied economically to Serbia, in the hope that political union might follow.

    ECONOMIST: Building Bosnia on banknotes

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