However, above all, it is key that the new command receive generous funding for its operations.
The Razer Nostromo's all-new configurator software is as easy to use as it is deadly, allowing gamers to conveniently customize all the buttons with any game command or key binding to open up a massive repertoire of killer combinations right under their fingertips.
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Because the Commander of the U.S. Central Command will have a key role in administration in Iraq, many have thought that our plans for Iraq are based on what the Allies did in Germany after World War II.
It is also implementing a radical reform of its command structure and forces, the key to which will be the creation of a new Nato reaction force of 15-20, 000 personnel, designed to react in days rather than weeks or months to crises around the world.
Just bring up the command (using the ":" key, of course) and type the line number you wish to go to.
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In general on the Mac, you can zoom in on any screen that's hard to see by pressing Command and Option and the equal sign key simultaneously.
One big change that results from trying to manage a larger organization is a shift from a command and control environment in which the CEO makes key decisions to a delegation of authority to business-line executives.
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Canadian troops currently serving in the south under US command, but who will make up one of the key components of the Nato force there in the New Year, have been hit by suicide bombers three times in recent weeks.
Saleh's relatives still hold key military and governmental posts with more than 180, 000 troops under their command.
All those key stakeholders have been selected on the basis of inclusiveness and representativeness with a certain command of legitimacy and respect in the work they do and represent as individuals and organizations with the women and youth groups at the district and national levels.
The U.S. Central Command said a Tomahawk cruise missile struck Iraq's national television building, a key telecom vault and a group of buildings housing Baghdad satellite communications.
Beyond these questions about the relationship between the two strategies, the 2011 strategy does not address many of the key concerns raised by the GAO and the Congress about definitions, authorities, and lines of command.
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