Some lenders may require you to have key person insurance when evaluating your firm.
But my past company, Opportunity Research Group, had key person insurance on its top three managers.
Something newer on the insurance scene is key person replacement and even loan protection coverage.
And the chances of losing a key person to disability may be higher than losing a factory to fire.
Key person replacement coverage provides the employer benefits to help with costs such as recruiting expenses and revenue gaps.
And of course my editor, Andy Weisblum, is a key person for me.
Key person insurance represents a gamble you never want to win.
There are plenty of reasons to look into key person insurance.
Charlie Munger was the key person in Mr. Buffett's evolution.
She is the former wife of the alleged bomber and the current girlfriend of Dimitris Koufodinas, the man whom the authorities consider the key person in November 17's structure and operations.
These innovative insurance coverages get to the heart of the issue: How can a company reimburse itself for the financial costs associated with the disability of a key person or owner?
Pakistani officials say they've arrested two British nationals of Pakistani origin, one of them by the name of Rashid Rauf, who they're calling an al-Qaida operative and a key person in the alleged plot to blow up U.S. airplanes.
Playing games in 3-D "is something that we've been continually testing and working on at Nintendo, " said Hideki Konno, who has directed or produced some of Nintendo's most prized franchises and was a key person in the 3DS's development, through an interpreter.
And the other question is, Senator Menendez is a key point person leading the effort for immigration reform.
Nemesysco, another Israeli-based technology company, believes the key to a person's emotions and intentions lies in their voice.
CNN: Behavioral screening -- the future of airport security?
Scientists have long speculated that the key to a person's "natural" life span lies in so-called diseases of aging, those that emerge only as the body begins to wear out.
WSJ: A Gene Gives a Hint Of How Long a Person Might Hope to Live
The key is that the person who can make the best use of the information is in the field, not headquarters.
FORBES: Mobile, Social, Crowd, Cloud: Why These Concepts Matter
Von Kleist was supposed to play a key role as the person who was to carry a briefcase packed with explosives to a meeting with Hitler.
Unless a family member has access to it (you must not only give the person a key, but must also sign a form at the bank authorizing that designee to open it), the box could be sealed when you die, and it might take court action by your heirs to get it opened.
Heading it are Megawati, Wahid and Hamengkubuwono X. (Though the sultan headed the Jogjakarta chapter of ruling grouping Golkar for nearly two decades, he is rarely associated by locals with the excesses of Suharto's political vehicle.) Since the ex-strongman also prevented competition from developing political track records, parentage remains a key indication of a person's pro-people credentials.
He recounts waiting many months, years even, to get the right person into a key slot.
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Should it sanction a suspected war criminal or look the other way because that person may be key to fighting terrorism?
In 1997 PGP was extended so that other keys could be added to the public key allowing more than one person to read the message it was protecting.
Doctors often gloss over a key question for assessing a person's risk for coronary heart disease, according to a new study: What is the patient's family history of cardiovascular illness?
One key finding is that whether a person reaches a goal correlates highly with certain characteristics of the goal.
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Guido told me that the key driver of this, the person who was pushing for these bootcamps was, guess who?
If you lay off 10 percent of the work force, you might have just gotten rid of the person who has the key to the bathroom.
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The key is to see how the person thinks on her feet and how adaptable she is to the culture of your company information that is difficult to uncover in a series of friendly peer interviews.
But Marsh said there's a better legal case to bury the body in Cambridge because, in practice, where a person lived has been the key factor in determining the place of burial.
Braly brought a perspective to health insurance for women as decision-maker, a key insight given women are generally the person in U.S. households who make the calls on medical care treatment for their families.
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