There are five quarters in this Leauge, which allows all the kids to play at least two quarters.
There's a classic neon McDonald's sign, a scale model of an old Texaco service station where kids can play at fixing a car and a mock-up of an early Holiday Inn, complete with cheesy laminated coffee tables.
Seattle's Washington Mutual provides a play area for customers' kids at some branches.
Seattle's Washington Mutual (nyse: WM - news - people ) provides a play area for customers' kids at some branches.
You know, everything from more money to more servants, to a swimming pool, great local work culture, food, work life balance, traveling more, feeling welcome at work and to having your kids play more sports, eat less junk food, spend more time with you, fit in and learn a new language?
Did the kids feel inferior when they went over to play at nicer houses?
"It's a great place to live, and I think there's probably no better place in the world to die, " says Joanne Karp, an 81-year-old resident who was supposed to be in her room recovering from eye surgery but instead was down the hall at the piano, accompanying three kids learning to play the recorder.
But just think how many others missed out and how many talented kids never got the chance to show they could play at the highest level.
We believe that once kids who might be at risk get to know each other and play sports together, the murder rate will drop.
On weekends, a focus of activity is at the Wellington Village Park, where kids aged six to 15 play football.
Take some steps to prevent a repeat performance: Install a lock on your bedroom door, encourage kids to knock, play soft music or the TV for white noise at night, and schedule "private parent time" when your child knows not to disturb you.
The Italians had an experienced side with a lot of Australians who play at a good level and were more experienced than our kids.
When my kids are having their weeknight supper at the counter, for example, I can play them a clip from a YouTube video on the iPad right in front of them.
"There's a silence that falls upon the room as the kids watch him play, " said Tom Chau, vice president for research at Holland Bloorview, and who developed the Virtual Music Instrument.
For the most part, this is the kind of place where you want to ski hard, cozy up in front of a fire with your honey and your kids, eat spaghetti, watch the movies you never had time to see at home or play Scrabble.
On the one hand, this change has expanded the opportunity for kids who wouldn't have had a chance to play otherwise: squash is now offered at more public schools, public clubs and non-Ivy League colleges.
The agency examined 400 apps directed at kids that it purchased from Apple's iTunes store and Google's apps store, Google Play.