He knew that Mr Killick was in a fragile state at the time.
BBC: PTSD soldier Harry Killick stole gun and ammunition
The film stars Sienna Miller as Caitlin, the wife of Welsh poet Dylan Thomas, and Knightley as Vera Killick, his childhood sweetheart.
BBC: Keira stars in her mother's film
Defending Killick, Stephen Wedd said that while he was in Afghanistan he saw members of his unit killed in an IED attack.
BBC: PTSD soldier Harry Killick stole gun and ammunition
But the court heard there was a "slip" by a comrade, who left a "lethal" SA80 assault rifle unattended for 15 minutes, which Killick stole.
BBC: PTSD soldier Harry Killick stole gun and ammunition
The story is based on a single incident related to MacDonald about William Killick, Vera's husband, shooting a gun through the window of the Thomas's home.
BBC: Keira stars in her mother's film
"If you have customers with enough resources and imagination--and you combine that with our skills--you can get a very special car, " says Bentley Mulliner Director John Killick .
FORBES: The Ultimate Custom Car
Killick, of the Princess of Wales' Royal Regiment, was told he would have to remain on duty to assist with supplying kit to the rest of the soldiers.
BBC: PTSD soldier Harry Killick stole gun and ammunition
Killick covered the rifle with a jacket but Mr Dunkin said Mr Lothian did not fear for his life as it was not raised, but that Killick was "extremely emotional".
BBC: PTSD soldier Harry Killick stole gun and ammunition
Killick drove to the home of his former girlfriend, Jackie Lothian, to seek answers about their recent split but when he rang the doorbell he was greeted by her brother, Jason, who said she was not in.
BBC: PTSD soldier Harry Killick stole gun and ammunition