• Mr Robinson also said it was ironic, "that the moment when there seems a real possibility of some form of break-up of the United Kingdom that Northern Ireland was not the cause of it".

    BBC: British Irish Council

  • Last year 2, 300 babies were born to mothers who were born themselves outside the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, a three-fold increase from 2001 when 700 such babies were recorded.

    BBC: Older mothers 'aided' baby boom

  • But six of the nine counties of the province of Ulster chose to stay in the United Kingdom, eventually becoming the country of Northern Ireland.

    CNN: Political forum aims to stem N.Ireland violence

  • However, Northern Ireland remains a part of the United Kingdom and for the majority in Northern Ireland this is how they would like it to remain.

    BBC: Should there be a poll on a united Ireland?

  • It was in 1922 that 26 counties of Ireland gained independence from London following negotiations which led to the other six counties, part of the province of Ulster, remaining in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

    BBC: Ireland profile

  • President Obama and the First Lady will welcome Prime Minister David Cameron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and his wife, Samantha Cameron, to the White House for an Official Visit with a State Dinner on March 13-14, 2012.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • That means open recognition of Northern Ireland's continued membership of the United Kingdom, for as long as it has a unionist majority.

    ECONOMIST: Why peace is now possible

  • Group I: Austria, France, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, United States of America.

    UNESCO: 31 new members elected UNESCO��s Executive Board

  • "That leadership is that Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom and a considerable number of people want the Union flag to be flown in a respectful and orderly way, " he said.

    BBC: Craigavon Council to review Union flag policy

  • Northern Ireland will host the first United Kingdom City of Culture in Londonderry.

    BBC: NI's leaders issue New Year messages

  • It is believed to be one of the biggest bankruptcy orders of its kind ever made in either the United Kingdom or Ireland.

    BBC: Fermanagh businessman Sean Quinn declared bankrupt

  • But six of the nine counties of the province of Ulster chose to stay in the United Kingdom, eventually becoming Northern Ireland.

    CNN: Police deploy water cannon at Northern Ireland riot

  • Ms Foster told the BBC on Tuesday a border poll would show that a clear majority of people in Northern Ireland want to remain in the United Kingdom.

    BBC: Border poll considered by DUP, says Foster

  • Ulster Bank has 1.9m customers in Northern Ireland, the Irish Republic and other parts of the United Kingdom.

    BBC: Ulster Bank sign

  • In 1801, the Act of Union between Great Britain and Ireland became effective, creating the United Kingdom.

    CNN: Thursday,

  • Sadly for those of us outside the United Kingdom, these stamps are only usable within England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

    FORBES: 'Doctor Who' Stamps Will Help Deliver Letters on Time

  • The commission's terms of reference instruct it to consider proposals for a Department of Justice in Northern Ireland, which would be a radical departure from practice in the rest of the United Kingdom.

    ECONOMIST: And now for the small print

  • Northern Ireland saw decades of violent conflict between those campaigning for a united Ireland and those wishing to stay in the United Kingdom.

    BBC: Ireland profile

  • He added that people in Northern Ireland were, "paying over the odds for insurance compared to the rest of the United Kingdom".

    BBC: Car insurance

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