Collins and Hawkins insisted the ball hit the knob of the bat and not Phillips' hand.
That was last week and I have yet to receive the knob but hope springs eternal.
The top is split, by the way, and can be used like a volume knob.
Opened to the public in 1996, Kentuck Knob will probably get 29, 000 paying visitors this year.
Like LEGO, there are just so many variations on a knob and tube connecting system.
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The volume knob is around front on this beefier model, encircled in a glowing red light.
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People turned a knob and an EKG-like graph showed up on the computer screen.
For a look at the faceplate and knob combos, jab the bordering source link.
The most interesting twist is the embrace of social media by Knob Creek this holiday season.
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Drive another 6 miles through the countryside to another Wright house-turned-museum, Kentuck Knob (
BBC: From Warhol to Wright: An arty trip through Pennsylvania
As Smart Knob doesn't need an internet connection, it could be useful even out in the woods.
Collins and Hawkins appeared to insist the ball hit the knob of the bat and not Phillips' hand.
You've got to grab the fist-sized Bakelite knob of the 1960s-era machine and put some muscle into it.
Kentuck Knob is also down the road from Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright's masterpiece, which is cantilevered over a waterfall.
Residents across the region, including farmer Michael Oxner of Bald Knob, Arkansas, have seen snakes slink to higher ground.
So back to the radio (one power button, one tuning knob) for now.
We should know how well the Smart Knob works when it launches closer to the end of the year.
The race then began with a 60-foot rappel down a knob of rock sticking out into the Pacific Ocean.
Aboveground is a gorgeously symmetrical crown of green, celery-like growth radiating from the central knob to about 12 inches.
Get the fuel-air mixture a few knob twists wrong from the LOP side, and you can blow up your engine.
Also known as celery root, knob celery and turnip-rooted celery, celeriac developed from the same wild species as did stalk celery.
Once upon a time, music was made by real bands playing actual instruments and the producer was a shadowy, behind-the-scenes knob twiddler.
Phil typically gets rousted out of the Gobbler's Knob tree stump about 7:15 a.m. by an entourage wearing top hats and tuxedos.
By any standards, Knob Creek is an excellent and highly lauded artisanal bourbon with a loyal following and instantly recognizable bottle.
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"Turn this knob, " he directs a reporter, with just the slightest smile.
Part of his Usonian series, one-floor structures for families of modest means, Kentuck Knob was designed in 1954, when Wright was in his late 80s.
BBC: From Warhol to Wright: An arty trip through Pennsylvania
Say, for example, if the knob breaks off on your stove and you can't buy an exact replacement -- just print one up.
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Push the backlit engine-start button and the dashboard air vents automatically rotate open while the rotary shift knob rises up from the center console.
Kentuck Knob, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1954, is built into a mountaintop in Pennsylvania's Laurel Highlands, about an hour southeast of Pittsburgh.
The top board features a color LCD, a microSD card slot, an EEPROM, a speaker, a compass, a knob plus some buttons and LEDs.