That means you balance the budget, that means federal agencies got to know where they spend their money, and they've got to give you a clean audit of their books.
They printed the names of businesses accepting Hours in a newsletter, so residents would know where to spend their new money.
For example, a person who accurately predicts that the unemployment rate is falling will be in a position to snag cyclical companies like Best Buy before other investors know that consumers may be more willing to spend money on discretionary items like TVs or iPads.
They know that if they are going to spend money and raise equity, or go to the fixed-income markets to finance it, it better be accretive.
Now that your basic expenses and savings needs are met, you know how much money you have to spend guilt-free on anything you want like shopping, eating out, and entertainment.
Kirsty Williams, leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats, said it was "incredible" that six months into the financial year, "an organization that is tasked with doing such an important job does not know how much money its got to spend".
So, the idea is there's no reason to try to spend any money on free agents if you know you're going to be bad, and in a few years, you're could be good.
It was claimed that patients could be put at risk because the ambulance service did not know exactly how much money it has to spend this year.
As families sit at their kitchen tables to assess their own budgets and priorities, they know they will have to make hard choices about how they spend their money and what they sacrifice to grow their savings.
CNN: Commentary: Budget a 'clear and present danger' to our kids
They have money to spend and know exactly what to spend it on.
We know we're going to have to spend the money.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to National Governors Association
You know, you go to the mall and you not only spend money at the retail store, you go to the restaurant, you might stop at the gas station.
Janet Finch-Saunders AM said that "the Welsh Government has decided that they know better than our own householders as to how they should spend their own money".
Until Americans know if and how this issue will be resolved, they are inclined to spend less money at retail establishments.
The purpose of the gathering was to let advertisers know how great a platform YouTube is so that they spend more money there in the upcoming year rather than on traditional TV.
Whether they will want to spend money on going into space, we just don't know.
Mr. QUACH: The whole thing is, you know, why go back to the nation, to Vietnam, to contribute to their economy and spend money over there?
An alternate strategy is to not employee A-list actors at all, but spend money on concepts audiences already know.