• Also speaking were the representatives of China, Libya, Viet Nam, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Panama, Russian Federation, Japan (in his capacity and as Chairperson of the Peacebuilding Commission), Liechtenstein, Ghana, Slovenia (on behalf of the European Union), Australia, Spain, New Zealand, Bangladesh, Netherlands, Israel, Iceland (also on behalf of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden), Nigeria, Brazil, Switzerland, Ireland, Canada, Ecuador, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Austria, Argentina, Colombia, United Republic of Tanzania, Germany, Kazakhstan, Iraq, Rwanda, Philippines, Afghanistan, El Salvador, Tonga (on behalf of the Pacific Small Island Developing States), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Myanmar, Tunisia, Benin, Mauritania and San Marino.

    UN: Security Council

  • The seminar, produced in partnership with the ministries of Foreign Affairs and Education, as well as Palmares Cultural Foundation, aims at contributing to the work being conducted by a consulting group made up of specialists from the United States, the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Republic of Korea, Uganda, the West Bank, South Africa, Russia, Switzerland and Brazil.

    UNESCO: International Seminar discusses Education on Ethnic-racial Relations | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • Jordan, Malawi, Panama, Republic of Korea, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland.

    UNESCO: General Conference | About - Elections - Subsidiary Bodies

  • It is divided into chapters devoted to the various regions, with spotlights on certain individual countries (Brazil, Canada, China, Cuba, India, Iran, Japan, republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Turkey and USA).


  • According to WHO, the following countries reported confirmed cases with no deaths: Austria, China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, El Salvador, France, Germany, Guatemala, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

    CNN: Mexico lowers swine flu alert as businesses in capital reopen

  • And the formation of such regional cooperation such that is East Asia Summit, where there are 10 countries from ASEAN and there is also China, Republic of Korea, Japan, India, Australia, New Zealand, and now Russia and the United States, therefore, I have faith that it will be more effective to ensure peace, stability and order in this region.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Yudhoyono Press Availability | The White House

  • Also speaking today were the representatives of France, Japan, Libya, Uganda, Russian Federation, Mexico, Viet Nam, Croatia, Costa Rica, Burkina Faso, United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden (on behalf of the European Union), Israel, Brazil, Switzerland, South Africa, Finland, Liechtenstein, Canada, Papua New Guinea (on behalf of the Pacific Small Island Developing States), Bangladesh, Germany, Australia, Italy, Republic of Korea, Ecuador, Nigeria, Argentina, Netherlands, Sierra Leone, Iceland, Afghanistan, Peru, Timor-Leste, United Republic of Tanzania and Kenya.

    UN: Security Council

  • The two awards of the UNESCO King Sejong Literacy Prize, supported by the Republic of Korea, have been attributed to projects in Cape Verde and Germany.

    UNESCO: International Literacy Day (8 September): UNESCO launches new Knowledge and Innovations Network for Literacy (KINL)

  • And increasingly, the Republic of Korea, as the Secretary stated, is playing a global role.

    WHITEHOUSE: Remarks at the State Lunch in Honor of President Lee Myung-bak and First Lady Kim Yoon-ok | The White House

  • These extra-budgetary resources were generously granted by Bulgaria, Cyprus, Flanders (Belgium), Hungary, Japan, Norway, the Republic of Korea, Spain, the United Arab Emirates and the European Union.

    UNESCO: Intangible Cultural Heritage

  • The Republic of Korea, as host of the 2012 nuclear security summit, has agreed to invite Belarus, contingent upon the completion of its highly enriched uranium removal.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • The 14 winners selected from that pool will now share more than a half a billion dollars from the United States, Canada, the Republic of Korea, the Inter-American Development Bank, and the Multilateral Investment Fund.

    WHITEHOUSE: Office of Science and Technology Policy Blog

  • With the participation of the United States and Russia for the first time in 2011, the EAS now includes all the major regional powers, including U.S. treaty allies Japan, the Republic of Korea, Australia, Thailand, and the Philippines, as well as India and China.

    WHITEHOUSE: Fact Sheet: East Asia Summit Outcomes

  • They include Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, the Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Switzerland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, Ukraine, and Vietnam.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefings

  • On January 12, 1950, then-Secretary of State Dean Acheson made a tragic mistake: When publicly describing those areas of vital interest to the United States, he omitted the Republic of Korea (ROK), suggesting that it was not within the "defensive perimeter" for which the United States would fight.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Must History Repeat Itself? Congress Should Not Invite North Korean Aggression

  • And when I last visited the Republic of Korea, President Lee shared with me a wonderful story of what the American presence had meant to him as he was growing up, and it was a reminder and a testament I think of the importance of the relationship and the alliance between our two countries.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama & South Korean President Lee at G20 Summit

  • In this regard the Government of the Republic of Korea, which is hosting the JCOMM meeting, has been of great assistance with strong support from the Korea Meteorological Agency (KMA), and the financial support of Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea, JeollaNamdo Province, and Yeosu City.

    UNESCO: Communication and Information

  • From the Omani hospital, Captain Seog was transferred to a hospital in the Republic of Korea, where he underwent major surgery.

    FORBES: Korean Ship Captain Honored for Extraordinary Bravery at Sea

  • The Consultation with the European and North American National Commissions will follow similar meetings of the four other UNESCO regions being hosted by the National Commission of Morocco (Arab States), Republic of Korea (Asia and Pacific) and subsequent meetings hosted by the National Commissions of Trinidad and Tobago (Latin America and the Caribbean) and Uganda (Africa).

    UNESCO: UK Hosting Meeting for European National Commissions

  • That evening, the Secretary-General, a former Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Austria, opened a Korean Community Centre.

    UN: Secretary-General

  • Meanwhile, the Republic of Korea naval forces involved in the assault continued operations on the ship, and all 21 crew members eventually were freed.

    FORBES: Korean Ship Captain Honored for Extraordinary Bravery at Sea

  • The region of Hansan, Republic of Korea, boasts fertile land and sea winds that allow ramie plants to thrive.

    UNESCO: Five new inscriptions on Representative List of Intangible Heritage | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • On Sunday morning, the President will arrive in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Group IV: Republic of Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea.

    UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

  • Obviously we are -- we have and enjoy an extremely strong and close relationship with the Republic of Korea, and we are in consultation with them as they contemplate their next steps.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • We welcomed the efforts this year of Indonesia, Republic of Korea and the United States to orient the ARF Inter-sessional Meeting on Maritime Security to include civil maritime law enforcement cooperation and capacity building.

    WHITEHOUSE: Joint Statement of the 4th ASEAN-U.S. Leaders' Meeting

  • President Obama spoke with South Korean President Lee bak on Monday and "made clear that the United States fully supports the Republic of Korea, both in the effort to secure justice for the 46 service members killed in this attack and in its defense against further acts of aggression, " Gibbs said.


  • Other speakers today were the representatives of France, Japan, United States, Mexico, Croatia, Costa Rica, China, Turkey, Libya, Austria, Burkina Faso, Russian Federation, Viet Nam, Egypt (also on behalf of Ireland), Burundi, Canada, Sweden (on behalf of the European Union), New Zealand, Australia, Peru, Morocco, Germany, Guatemala, Brazil, Sierra Leone, Uruguay, Norway, India, Thailand, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Italy, Republic of Korea and Switzerland.

    UN: Security Council

  • Taekkyeon, a traditional Korean martial art (Republic of Korea): Taekkyeon is a traditional Korean martial art that makes use of fluid, rhythmic dance-like movements to strike an opponent, while teaching consideration and moderation.

    UNESCO: World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP)

  • The U.S. rate of 87 percent is the same as that of Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, and lower than that of the Czech Republic, Korea, and Norway.

    UNESCO: II Part Analytic Section

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