The Elliott Wave Principle says that all corrections happen in three waves, typically labelled ABC.
But speaking to the BBC's PM programme, Mr Todd labelled the idea a "stupid gambit".
He labelled one region Eden, another Elysium, others, on later maps, Arcadia and Utopia.
The meatballs in 1kg packs were made in Sweden, and labelled as beef and pork.
The star has labelled the dates at Earl's Court in August "The Final Two".
All this has caused him to be labelled a sort of closet Democrat by his colleagues.
He refuses to be labelled as either pro- or anti-agreement, insisting he is a unity candidate.
The French government has accused meat processing company Spanghero of knowingly selling horsemeat labelled as beef.
The group, labelled in the report as APT1, was staffed by hundreds of proficient English speakers.
Mr Abbott has labelled him a "protected species as far as this prime minister is concerned".
BBC: The scandal that could bring down Australia's government
Next to them is a big fat bin labelled "energy storage", and it's virtually empty.
Many farmers believe the crisis over mis-labelled food has damaged consumer confidence in the supply chain.
French meat processing company Spanghero knowingly sold horsemeat labelled as beef, the French government has said.
Last week France suspended Spanghero's licence, accusing the firm of knowingly selling horsemeat labelled as beef.
Like Matisse, Bonnard has been dismissively labelled a decorative artist, a painter of happiness.
Domenech also labelled the players' decision to boycott Sunday's training session as "an aberration".
Instead it insists to get an eight-digit number labelled "official use" on the hard copy.
An EU ruling says foods labelled non-GM can contain up to 1% of GM ingredients.
When the brains of these rats were examined, the labelled cells had all died.
But, despite never winning the world title, Doherty labelled Hunter as one of snooker's "greatest characters".
BBC: SPORT | Other Sport... | Snooker | Hunter loses battle with cancer
MercExchange has been labelled a troll by some, but insists it is nothing of the sort.
But Continental labelled the initial court decision and its explanation absurd, and launched an appeal.
The lawsuit alleged Bordeaux wine had been labelled to suggest it was bottled between 1864 and 1950.
He said such drinks were not marketed to children and were labelled as not suitable for children.
BBC: Energy drink labelling call from Public Health director
Then, after an FA Cup tie at Old Trafford in March, he labelled Martin Atkinson "a disgrace".
The service was labelled free but was actually via an 070 number that charged 38p per minute.
On Friday, Senator Mathias Corman of the Liberal Party labelled the mining tax implementation a "complete fiasco".
After all, any thing that did cost the government upfront would immediately be labelled a "Plan B".
It will then be divided into sample A and sample B and labelled with the relevant number.
Local administrative units, while organised entirely along Chinese lines, are labelled in accordance with traditional Mongolian units.
ECONOMIST: The good and bad of one of China��s border regions