Twenty-four years later he was back at the negotiating table during the league's recent labor dispute.
The American public trying to follow this sort of sees this as a labor dispute.
The referees fiasco is also the second labor dispute Goodell has dealt with in two years.
FORBES: Beyond the Refs: Reputation Of NFL Shield Heads Down Slippery Slope
Baseball team owners continually poormouth their businesses, especially when they are in a labor dispute with players.
Thus the Honda labor dispute reflects the recent trend of the newly-assertive ACFTU acting like, well, a union.
The state would have to negotiate for that in a heated labor dispute.
It seems an eternity ago that we were all talking about the replacement refs because of a labor dispute.
The labor dispute was resolved 10 days later, with transit workers receiving a pay raise far less than they initially demanded.
So, it appears more and more likely that the two sides will reach an agreement in their labor dispute sooner than later.
In 1995 during a labor dispute, the players voted 226-134 against decertifying and in favor of a new agreement with the owners.
The NFL faced a 127-day lockout, and the NBA is currently facing a labor dispute that is threatening the entire 2011-2012 season.
Republican lawmakers questioned whether there had been any quid pro quo for Teamsters campaign donations and government help mediating a labor dispute.
McElroen would not comment on the specifics of the agreement, but said on Tuesday that the labor dispute revolved around the definition of a workweek.
Regardless of how the revenue is split, the current labor dispute in Serie A will serve as a case study for other leagues around Europe.
With American Airlines pilots in the middle of a labor dispute, how many of us think the job of commercial pilot is all that desirable?
Utilities added 9, 000 jobs in August, mainly because of the return of ConEd workers after a labor dispute, while the leisure and hospitality business added 34, 000 jobs.
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Kingfisher will likely have a hard time recovering this market share due to its much publicized and heated labor dispute, and its overall reduction in customer service to passengers.
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Salas, whose group is known as CHIRLA, dates the May Day rallies to a labor dispute with a restaurant in the city's Koreatown neighborhood that drew several hundred demonstrators in 2000.
The proposal to sanction mix-martial arts fights still faces opposition from unions, due to an unrelated labor dispute in Nevada with the owners of Ultimate Fighting Championship, the sport's largest promoter.
WSJ: Mixed-Martial Arts Wins Political Support in N.Y., Conn.
The players basically argued that the spirit of Norris-La Gaurdia, a product of the 1930s-era clashes between businesses and labor unions, carries an implication that a labor dispute inherently involves a union.
Strangely absent from the list of issues being hashed out by NFL Owners and Players in this long-running labor dispute is perhaps the most important issue of all: revenue sharing among Owners.
FORBES: In NFL Negotiations, Strange Silence On Revenue Sharing
Around 8, 000 drivers and bus aides with Local 1181 of the Amalgamated Transit Union walked off the job Jan. 16 as part of a complicated labor dispute revolving around job security provisions.
The Hobbit, now in pre-production in New Zealand under director Peter Jackson, is also dealing with a labor dispute that threatens to further delay production on the picture which is slated for release in December 2012.
With the first few weeks of the NBA basketball season cancelled and the remainder of the season in jeopardy, franchise owners must wonder if jilted fans will return in the same numbers after the labor dispute is over.
FORBES: Built To Last: The Secret To Long-Term Customer Relationships
May Day rallies began in the United States in 2000 during a labor dispute with a restaurant in Los Angeles that drew several hundred demonstrators, said Angelica Salas, executive director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles.
To Mr. Goodell and Mr.Smith, I ask you, your lawyers, and your trusted leadership to place your labor dispute in its proper perspective, get behind closed doors, stop playing public relations games like bickering politicians, and get a deal done.
FORBES: Bin Laden's Death Puts NFL Labor Talks In Proper Perspective
Sky, a major European broadcasting company, has a television deal that only runs through the end of this Serie A season, which means that with every passing day of this labor dispute they are getting closer to not renewing their deal.
" Time Warner Cable fired back on Wednesday with ads featuring a giant flattened basketball and made reference to a National Basketball Association labor dispute that scuttled the first months of the pro basketball season: "First they lock out the Knicks, now MSG wants to block out the fans.
Qantas has been embroiled in a bitter labor dispute over pay cuts and job protections that resulted in the airline shutting down earlier this year. (Government officials ordered it back into service.) The year-old airport system required extensive retraining of staff, but didn't result in layoffs, which the union confirms.