That was why we moved to both of these provinces to tap their labor pool.
Technologies are joining brainpower and sometimes muscle from around the world into a common labor pool.
Immigration help shape America's labor pool and economy and opportunities for black Americans.
This in turn would attract a higher quality labor pool and lead to major improvements across the board in education.
FORBES: NCEE Report Focuses on Teachers as Professionals, New Pay Schemes
Retention has historically been a problem for many manufacturers in China, which rely on the country's vast migrant labor pool.
Davidson pays particular attention to the manufacturing industry, which is often mentioned as suffering acutely from a small skilled labor pool.
FORBES: Are Stingy Employers To Blame For The So-Called Skills Shortage?
What is the effect of a bigger labor pool on wage rates?
FORBES: Anti-Immigration Rhetoric Frighteningly Reveals Education's Failure
And with the Memphis metropolitan labor market, we have a labor pool of somewhere around 1.2 million people in the 75-mile radius.
"Foreign workers make up 95 percent of the labor pool, " Whitson says.
As good as the pay in the U.S. is, however, skilled oilfield workers can make much more overseas where the labor pool is tighter.
Most graduates do eventually find decent jobs, but the problem will increase as more of them hit the labor pool or if the economy stalls.
Chongqing also hopes to turn a wave of migration into a labor pool for the low-wage manufacturing industries it is trying to lure to move from China's coastal areas.
Politicians have a big constituency in the freelance labor pool, many of them looking for guidance and help and if they were smart, freelancing would be a major electoral issue.
This in turn gives individualized organizations the chance to be much more selective in hiring (larger labor pool) and it can aid in retention, a key to sustainable effectiveness and long-term success.
FORBES: Sustainable Management: Focus on Individuals, Not Generations
The most basic models of labor supply and demand would suggest that a bigger labor pool depresses wages, and indeed this is the argument taken up by many opponents of more open immigration policy.
The state's growers have rapidly expanded capacity to their orchards in recent years, contributing to 2010's record crop of 110 million boxes, at the same time that growth in the labor pool has stagnated.
WSJ: So Many Apples in Washington State This Year, So Few Pickers
The disparity is explained by the sobering news that jobless people are simply dropping out of the labor pool, too discouraged even to stay on the rolls of the unemployed that the Labor Department keeps track of.
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If big international investors were genuinely free to develop markets in China, they would provide the Chinese with a wider range of products and services, and make new and better jobs for that huge, willing labor pool.
Not only does an entrepreneurial path place immigrants in a non-competitive position relative to the existing wage-seeking labor pool, but their ventures that are employer businesses actually create jobs, increasing demand for labor and thereby pushing up wages.
Perhaps rather than taking every element of the report into account, focusing on teacher pay could be a good leaping off point for future reforms, laying the groundwork for more exclusive top-tier education programs and other stepping stones to a more professional teaching labor pool.
FORBES: NCEE Report Focuses on Teachers as Professionals, New Pay Schemes
Although the number of university graduates in China has risen from 1 million a year a decade ago to more than 6 million this year, the number of people entering the labor pool with great expectations yet without proper training is, if anything, growing even faster.
President Obama has been in favor of granting more H-1B visas, and loosening policies that would allow foreign graduates to stay on and work in the U.S. Many multinational tech companies, including Microsoft, have called for more H-1B visas to be issued to fill gaps in the skilled labor pool.
The Human Resources and Social Security Department of Guangdong estimated that 10 million workers, or 61% of the province's migrant-labor pool, would head home to see their families for the New Year Holiday, with a return rate of around 90%, leaving a labor shortfall of up to 1.2 million workers after the holiday.
"In a letter Senator Mark Begich wrote to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last month, he says 'such an abrupt change in the available labor pool just before the start of the salmon season would have immediate negative consequences for the companies, and the fishermen and communities, which depend on their operations, '" KTVA reported.
In fact there's a very big pool of labor which, if we ever unlock it, could keep the expansion going.
The U.S. has a large pool of available labor, abundant raw materials and falling energy costs, said Paul van Eeden, president of Cranberry Capital, a private Canadian holding company.
FORBES: INTERVIEW: Cranberry Capital's Van Eeden Bullish On U.S., Crude Oil Price, Not Gold
As for Indonesia, it holds a pool of low cost labor as well as natural resources like coal.
David Roche's analysis of deflationary pressure on world markets brought about by China's seemingly endless pool of cheap manufacturing labor is a good one (" Tributary to the river of deflation, " Sept. 16).
The highly-skilled inevitably prosper while those of lesser abilities race to the bottom amidst a vast global pool of unskilled and underskilled labor.
It is our expectation that as the economy strengthens later this year the (labor) participation rate will stop declining, as there is already a large pool of potential workers on the sidelines who are likely to re-enter the labor force if conditions improve.
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