In labour-intensive manufacturing, however, Chinese workers, with their better elementary education, have a big advantage.
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If Africa cannot rely on textiles alone, it might try boosting labour-intensive farming instead.
As a result some industries, especially labour-intensive ones such as retailing, stay fragmented and inefficient.
In labour-intensive sectors, France has become highly automated, and many new jobs are temporary.
ECONOMIST: Why France's unemployment is proving so intractable
It is also an industry that is labour-intensive and generates a lot of foreign currency.
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Mass modification is less labour-intensive and thus, for an industry with wafer-thin margins, more appealing.
In fact, in labour-intensive work, interest charges are a small proportion of total costs.
Now China is making inroads into such labour-intensive sectors as textiles, shoes and toys, too.
He is also working on cutting other taxes for labour-intensive industries, such as textiles and shoes.
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Private firms, especially in labour-intensive industries and in tourism, will be encouraged to invest in the North.
Third is a change in India's labour laws, which act as a serious obstacle to labour-intensive manufacturing.
In high income countries, physical activity dwindles as people use more technology and are less engaged in labour-intensive work.
With most of the work done by hand without any help from modern technology, its production is a lengthy and labour-intensive process.
Even though the climate is suitable, tea-growing is simply too costly, since the process is labour-intensive and resists automation.
Poor countries need to sell their labour-intensive and farm products to rich ones.
It uses a more labour-intensive production system than the Japanese firms it competes with to take advantage of low labour costs.
China is experiencing structural adjustments in their FDI flows, including the relocation of labour-intensive and low-end market-oriented FDI to neighbouring countries.
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China is already pushing down the prices of labour-intensive manufactured goods, thereby boosting the real incomes of consumers in developed countries.
This may be because services tend to be more labour-intensive than goods, and because wages are stickier (downwards, anyway) than other prices.
It would create few jobs, a fact that turns off many African politicians, who tend to like national projects to be labour-intensive.
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Martin Ruhs, director of the Oxford Migration Observatory, suggests it may be time for Britain to let its more labour-intensive farming slide.
Initially, China is likely to specialise mainly in relatively low-skilled labour-intensive manufacturing, whereas developed economies will concentrate on activities needing higher skills.
Among them are routine but vital tasks that were labour-intensive before the computing revolution: manufacturing and number-crunching jobs that used to pay handsomely.
Yet people using the Green Deal to insulate their homes have to borrow at about 7% - although home insulation is massively labour-intensive.
American steel is really two industries: a group of low-cost, non-unionised mini-mills and an array of unionised, capital- and labour-intensive integrated steel producers.
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Together, they make up 28% of GDP and are far more labour-intensive than the ACP itself, which has a lean payroll of just 9, 500.
The region has been unable to match the success of the Yangtze and Pearl River deltas in attracting investment in low-technology, labour-intensive private industry.
Though in theory returns on capital should be much higher in the developing world, where economies remain labour-intensive, in practice the story is more complicated.
Nevertheless, it seems alarmist to suggest that Indonesian wage costs alone will deter labour-intensive manufacturing, even though their rise has outpaced productivity in recent years.
In many other ways, the business of winning elections has become more capital-intensive and less labour-intensive, making political donors matter more and political activists less.