He is also working on cutting other taxes for labour-intensive industries, such as textiles and shoes.
ECONOMIST: Cavallo struggles to get a grip on Argentina��s economy
Private firms, especially in labour-intensive industries and in tourism, will be encouraged to invest in the North.
ECONOMIST: North Korea��s dreadful spring
Although there are surely some illegals about, as there are in most parts of America, there is no visible community of outsiders or labour-intensive industries to lure them.
ECONOMIST: A powerful precedent is set
These include labour-intensive industries and small restaurants and guesthouses.
ECONOMIST: As the leaders see it, a plague of human rats in the capital
The weak dollar has rendered American labour more competitive, but not enough to rejuvenate low-margin, labour-intensive manufacturing in industries such as textiles, furniture or paper products.
ECONOMIST: Exports and the economy
As a result some industries, especially labour-intensive ones such as retailing, stay fragmented and inefficient.
ECONOMIST: The informal economy is neither small nor benign
They distrust Mr Thanong's projection of an export-led recovery, given that Thailand is in the throes of shifting from cheap-labour industries to manufacturing capital-intensive goods, such as cars and electronics.
ECONOMIST: Don��t ask and we won��t refuse
Many investments were in capital-intensive industries quite unsuited to a labour-rich agricultural economy.
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