Gathering social scientists and policy-makers from Lithuania, Estonia, Italy and Japan, this one-day conference will explore social reform in Europe and several countries, the trends and perspectives of the pension systems, labour legislation and gender equality.
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The Scottish Parliament rejected Labour-backed legislation to introduce mandatory six-month jail terms for anyone caught carrying a knife.
Labour say the legislation will make it harder for ordinary people to seek justice because of a decision to scrap no-win, no-fee cases.
Mr Johnson - who steered Labour's legislation introducing tuition fees through the Commons - accused the coalition of "abusing the legacy I left them".
One of its chief concerns is to ease the regulatory burden on small businesses, especially the Working Time Directive and other EU labour and welfare legislation.
In 1998, the new Labour government passed legislation giving parents the opportunity to end selective education in their own local areas, thus in effect allowing the end of the state grammar school system.
The decision to put the trust into administration - a measure made possible by legislation Labour introduced in 2009 - is being closely monitored within the NHS because it provides a blueprint for what could happen elsewhere.
The Labour AM who introduced legislation on installing sprinklers in new homes said Mr Morgan's comments were "wholly irresponsible".
He asked if Labour might copy Dutch legislation preventing governments or private companies from going back on their word over pension promises.
Unveiling Labour amendments to the legislation, shadow financial secretary Chris Leslie called for a review of the levy - and urged the government to introduce an additional tax on bankers' bonuses.
Mr Straw is at present blunting the teeth of the government's promised freedom of information bill, a landmark piece of liberal legislation which Labour made much of in opposition, but which it has already delayed for no good reason.
Mr Blair used Tuesday's campaign tour to announce the priority legislation for a Labour Queen's Speech.
They maintain that the big bang legislation promised by Labour in every manifesto since 1974 has turned into a damp squib.
This time round they won't be revisiting parts of the bill which are not being changed, although Labour are arguing that the legislation should be reconsidered as a whole - not taken in parts.
Lord McKenzie noted that all of the measures had been fully debated by both Houses when they were set up by the last Labour government, arguing that legislation to abolish them should therefore be debated in the same way.
Even people who profess not to care much for organised labour say they voted against the legislation.
He said Labour would seek to amend the legislation to cut water bills for the poorest, and hoped the government would support this.
The Scottish government has rejected Labour's call for emergency legislation to prevent tenants being evicted as a result of arrears caused by the so-called "bedroom tax".
Government agencies including those for defence and labour faced shutdown this weekend without the legislation.
The Fine Gael-Labour coalition said it would bring in legislation and regulation on the issue by the summer.
During those years a raft of legislation governing everything from child labour, working conditions in factories, the treatment of the poor, to public health and sanitation was passed.
Labour's Rachel Reeves said the legislation was a "complete mess".
BBC: Child benefit changes 'seriously flawed' accountants say
Jade's MP Julie Hilling, who lives near to the scene of the incident, said her party, Labour, had been pressing for new legislation since a government consultation on dangerous dogs in 2010.
"If the Liberal Democrats maintain their opposition to it, I think there's a case for the Conservative Party passing that legislation with support from the Labour Party, " he told BBC Radio 5 live.
BBC: Tory-Labour pact could save data bill, says Lord Howard
Labour MP Louisa Wall, who introduced the legislation, said that the time is right for change.
He pledged his party to fighting Labour's right-to-roam legislation in the Lords and decried plans to ban fox hunting as a "vindictive" attack on country sports.
"In our society, the meaning of marriage is universal - it's a declaration of love and commitment to a special person, " Labour MP Louisa Wall, who introduced the legislation, said.
Conservative peer and former Secretary of State for Scotland Lord Forsyth took the opportunity to attack the legislation, and also rounded on Labour for allowing devolution in the first place.
Tuesday in the Commons begins with questions to the Health Secretary Andrew Lansley, with the Labour pack hounding a wounded minister whose signature legislation has been rewritten to defuse objections from the Lib Dems and the NHS professions.
And calls for trade union legislation to be revisited were defeated at Labour's national policy forum in the summer.