And some people are unable to take advantage of the low mortgage rates, either because they can't qualify for stricter lending rules or they lack the money for larger down payment requirements.
Powers was raised by a middle-income single mom and almost missed his shot at the Olympics for lack of money.
The federal government began building it in 1990, but it stalled for lack of money and only restarted in 2006.
But the notion that there are 46 million Americans who can't get the health care they need for lack of money or public assistance is a myth.
But in contrast to its Western partners, who essentially paid for their own fear and lack of vision, Germany lent money for a concrete purpose: German unification.
Today, in an article beginning on the front page of the New York Times, its authors assumed and concluded that the rapid expansion of bank deposits lately had little or no contribution from more bank lending but was entirely a result of lack of better alternatives for parking money.
FORBES: The Surge in the Money Supply: Meaningful or Meaningless?
They believed that a lack of money is a major problem for some families - but a bigger problem was the failure or inability of parents to provide a breakfast for their children.
As a result, much of Asia's plentiful high-tech money is sitting idle for lack of talent.
Wildlife managers had complained for years about a lack of manpower and money to fight the growing pig problem.
While many senior officers are anxious to make more money in the private sector after a lifetime of military pay, sources said Franks' decision was less about money than a lack of enthusiasm for the internecine battles in the Pentagon bureaucracy.
CNN: Franks turned down the Army's top job earlier this month.
Since the EPA is making things up, the rational way to set the mandate would be to fine the cellulosic folks for a lack of mermaids and rebate the money to consumers who are paying higher prices because the oil companies can't do the impossible and buy an imaginary fuel.
The closest the U.S. economy has come to a full-on bubble since the end of the recession has been in bonds, which soared last year as investors poured money into fixed income for lack of better options while the Fed allowed itself to be conscripted into the Treasury financing business through quantitative easing.
For some this was economic - the lack of money, jobs or opportunity.
Meanwhile, Tottenham chairman Daniel Levy has criticised the lack of public money that has been made available for the club's proposed new stadium.
Less hours, no healthcare, and a lack of benefits and money are being traded in for a steady paycheck to make ends meet with.
Registration of money managers or lack thereof is important information for fiduciaries to consider.
These are brands that represent not just big money, but a big lack of concern for the environment and society.
Dr. Ferrari: We lack one major element for success, and that's money.
Bowen started a fundraiser called "One Week to End Fistulas, " which raises money for repair surgeries for underprivileged women who otherwise lack access.
Analysts said this reflected Goldman's need for the funds, and the lack of other potential investors either willing or able to put the money forward.
He found that his lack of customer cash put him in a tough spot when employees, suppliers, or landlords asked for their money.
Mobile money also provides a stepping stone to formal financial services for the billions of people who lack access to savings accounts, credit and insurance.
Pre-paid debit cards, those which are loaded with money, are making progress in allowing card-based transactions for some 80m Americans who lack bank accounts and who have no access to credit.
At the time Mr Kennedy met local politicians and said while he would ask for more money from the executive, he could not commit to the upgrade due to the lack of funding.
Others argue that once she is mayor, she will demand money from the Central government for her outlandish projects, money which will be probably withheld in large measure due to the lack of viability of her proposals.
With a lack of money being the key issue in Scottish football at the moment, Killie have almost the same squad for this campaign.
But as I said before, because of a lack of clarity and consistency in how it was applied, a lack of oversight in how the money went out, we didn't get as big of a bang for the buck as we should have.
There was a "lack of clearly defined processes and timescales for scrutiny activity" meaning that "mistakes are more likely to be repeated and money more likely to be wasted", she said.
In the funding days of old (think three-four years ago), venture capitalists were throwing their money at companies with large user-bases without stopping to consider the plan (or lack thereof) for monetization.
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