While lamenting the lawsuits, school districts blame the federal government for not coughing up enough money.
Now is the time for spiking the football or lamenting that all is doomed.
For every person congratulating Slim, there seemed to be another one lamenting the fall of Gates.
"I'm a history buff, " explained Mr. Chin, 27, before lamenting that the questions weren't more difficult.
Critics lamenting the possible return of the PRI to power aren't thinking straight, she said.
Some of these same barman and women are now lamenting the very thing they spearheaded and embraced.
As a kid I remember lamenting when toy trucks began being made of plastic instead of metal.
More recently, he has become the go-to pundit for people lamenting the social changes wrought by modern technology.
Europeans have a "deep ambivalence" about capitalism, he says, lamenting a "vicious cycle" of protectionism and government meddling.
During one performance Grillo smashed a pile of computers on stage while lamenting modern society's dependency on technology.
For the last two years, Russian government officials have been lamenting the heavy cost of oil to their budgets.
Arriving on shore, she sings the aria "Cruda sorte, " lamenting the fate that has interrupted her quest for Lindoro.
Ever since Darwin, scientists have been lamenting the gaps in the fossil record.
At midfield someone has placed a coffee urn, and the players are standing around it lamenting their public perception.
FORBES: What If They Ran The NFL Like The Chicago Teachers Union?
He starts out like a G-rated comedian, lamenting the indignities of airport security.
As Donegal fans were joyfully hailing the success, McEniff was unconvincingly lamenting his team's first half display to quote-seeking journalists.
With half the coalition celebrating Mr Tremonti's departure and the other half lamenting it, replacing him will not be easy.
But the avid moved with the times instead of lamenting that they could no longer use a tool or a skills.
At the Las Vegas Winter Meetings two years ago, Reinsdorf was among several owners and executives lamenting the drop in sponsorships and advertising.
FORBES: At The Winter Meetings: Sponsorships Up, But Not Ticket Sales
In reality, singer Brian Wilson was lamenting the fact that he felt isolated as a consequence of being so ahead of his time.
FORBES: Is JC Penney's Re-Invention Like Brian Wilson's SMiLE?
This seems to be the world Nancy Folbre has in mind in a puzzling piece lamenting the competition that skilled workers increasingly face.
FORBES: How Can You Protect An Entire Economy From Competition?
Texas Gov. Rick Perry eulogized the unpaid first responders, lamenting that each had a personal story and journey that drew to a close too soon.
It started with a client lamenting the fact that she feels one of her management team members is withholding information and lying about his career ambitions.
FORBES: Why Employees Lie: Men of a Certain Age, Situational Deceit and Pygmalion
So once again gamers have taken to the digital streets, lamenting that EA is diabolical and claiming they will boycott the game for this dishonorable maneuver.
FORBES: Why the Exploitation of Gamers is Our Own Damn Fault
One of the hardware designers, lamenting that the antennas of traditional laptops were buried in the display screen, asked if he could liberate them to increase range.
Most unionists have changed covertly: in particular, businessmen hinted at their feelings by lamenting the economic effects of clashes over Orange parades, and urging greater cross-border co-operation.
In 1983 Christopher Buckley wrote a famous article lamenting the fact that he and most of his peers had managed to get out of serving in Vietnam.
Plenty of ink has been spilled describing and lamenting this phenomenon, focusing on perceived outrages like the three-story Doritos vending machine and the ever-increasing price of hotel rooms.
FORBES: SXSW Commercialization: Why It's Time to Stop Complaining
One of our managed account clients was recently lamenting the fact that his wife had received some Apple stock back in 1984, but chose not to hold on.