England is lapsing into recession while Keynes tosses and turns in his grave, discarded.
How do the best writers convey grief without alienating the reader or lapsing into melodrama?
In America, the lapsing of patents can be delayed automatically if drugmakers sue rival generic firms.
The lapsing occurs by operation of law -- that is, automatically upon the State's extinction.
While the three executives saw their "Approved Person" status at HBOS lapsing, they did not face any further sanctions.
If you want to accuse me of lapsing into debate this would be the piece to do it on.
She died in hospital in April two days after lapsing into unconsciousness.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North West Wales | Family's questions over 999 delay
It guarantees them, and those with lapsing COBRA, access to individual health insurance, or a new employer's group coverage, with few pre-existing-condition exclusions.
But yet again Wigan were guilty of lapsing under the hot sun as Paul Sampson and Hughes chalked up late consolation tries for the gritty visitors.
Within Mercosur, barriers to trade are multiplying rather than lapsing.
And then figuring out how to tell the difference between the two and letting the former go, while working to overcome the latter without lashing out or lapsing into self-pity.
During the debate, the SDLP's Alex Attwood said clause 2 of the bill, which deals with justice powers potentially lapsing by May 2012 - the "sunset clause" - created an unstable situation.
Despite losing we were happy with some aspects of our performance but at the same time we were disappointed having played so well for large parts of the game and lapsing at crucial times.
The reason I ask is that some of these issues and questions are more than two thousand years old, and no other philosopher has been able to crack them without ultimately lapsing into self-contradiction.
FORBES: President Obama Jabs At Ayn Rand, Knocks Himself Out
Though she wanted to make herself interesting to the old man by reading serious books, she never finished what she began, lapsing instead into daydreams or turning to old fashion magazines that she bought from a secondhand-book stall.
Universal life policyholders who faithfully paid all the minimum premium payments all those years are discovering that the cash values that were to be their retirement nest eggs are nearly exhausted, and many are having to cough up huge payments just to keep the death benefit from lapsing.
FORBES: Retirement Disaster Looms For Universal Life Policyholders
In spite of some of her novels being banned at the time by South Africa's white-only government, the Nobel laureate insists that any author who tries to push a message on a reader ahead of narrative is in danger at best of producing bad writing, and at worst of lapsing into propaganda.