He said Pfizer had left behind a large amount of fixed equipment in the labs.
That does seem to be cutting off access to an awfully large amount of possible talent.
To get a bank loan Oumarou would have to put up a large amount of collateral.
It took a very large amount of detailed post-operative care to get Peter well afterwards.
Hardly an unexpected response from a young person with a large amount of cash income.
However, there remains the problem of large amount of inventory remaining on the market.
Putting a large amount of money on your credit card can hurt your credit.
As a result, they will need to raise a large amount of new capital.
Current price levels most certainly are incorporating a very large amount of future possible growth.
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They had an abnormally large amount of products that were released at the end of the year.
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An acute dose is a relatively large amount of radiation received in a very short time period.
"A large amount of the content is learning from others how not to get caught, " she said.
GPs are holding on to a large amount of dry powder they are trying to put to work.
The biggest is probably the large amount of coal to gas switching occurring in the power generation industry.
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Why the large amount of giving for a man who has been critical of charity in the past?
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But such a large amount of unaccounted-for water is not easily explained by current models of Martian evolution.
The U.K. government is investing a large amount of political capital in supporting and promoting the start up culture.
This was followed by a large amount of user defection to other services.
Orbital flights, which must propel vehicles past the atmosphere into outer space, require a particularly large amount of it.
Mega-rich Russians have a large amount of their money parked in Cyprus banks.
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In Hong Kong a few families control a large amount of economic activity.
The Bonner family holds an uncomfortably large amount of its portfolio in cash.
If that seems like an astronomically large amount of water for such a small change, it's because it is.
The bold-face names on our list also benefit from the large amount of time they spend in the public eye.
So a very small amount of mass may be converted into a very large amount of energy and vice versa.
When Splunk engages with a client, the first move is to go in and explore a large amount of data.
He goes on to say that you can feel safe because a large amount of Americans invest in this product.
The Paris town hall's decision to spend a large amount of public money on it has created an almighty flap.
But the large amount of gas released following the tremor has been both potentially dangerous and damaging to the pit.
The past few years have seen the widespread availability of a large amount of data, thanks largely to the internet.