Putting a large amount of money on your credit card can hurt your credit.
At first blush, it seems odd that the bank would be so tight-fisted with such a large amount of money.
"They're guaranteeing us a large amount of money, " says Jagger, clearly pleased.
While this is a large amount of money, these costs are perhaps one third less than the price of a new Canadian mine.
FORBES: How Arizona Is Helping America Reduce Dependence On Foreign Natural Resources
Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) and Samsung are spending a large amount of money to prove that the opposing side is guilty in their long-running patent dispute.
FORBES: Apple, Samsung Patent Battle Could Lead to Unusual Deal
Pettitte was making an extraordinarily large amount of money and felt a tremendous obligation to do everything that he could to return to the Yankees in an expeditious manner.
The eisteddfod's shadow governing body met in Aberystwyth on Saturday and said this year's festival in Newport, south Wales, was already showing signs of losing a large amount of money.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North West Wales | Eisteddfod's future 'in jeopardy'
No charges were filed against Jackson, but the House Ethics Committee decided to look into whether Jackson or an associate offered to raise a large amount of money for Blagojevich in exchange for Jackson getting the Senate seat.
Mega-rich Russians have a large amount of their money parked in Cyprus banks.
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The Paris town hall's decision to spend a large amount of public money on it has created an almighty flap.
"I can sympathise easily with the resistance many will feel because we again will need to use a large amount of public money, " Mr Dijsselbloem said.
Abdullah Tawheedi, a deputy head of intelligence in Afghanistan, says he has received "reliable information" that the terrorist leader paid a "large amount" of money to buy his way out of Afghanistan.
While Apple is set to inherit a bucket of cash from Samsung and HTC, Nokia is one of the few companies to extract a large (though unspecified) amount of money from Apple.
FORBES: Apple and Research In Motion Paid Nokia Billions for a Piece of Paper
Leaving aside the monetization of debt, using taxes or savings to handle a large fiscal deficit reduces the amount of money available to private investment and therefore curtails the creation of new businesses and limits much-needed increases in productivity.
It is believed that eurozone leaders, particularly in Germany, insisted on the levy because of the large amount of Russian capital kept in Cypriot banks, amid fears of money-laundering.
BBC: Cyprus leader Nicos Anastasiades 'fights EU on bailout'
Reports have suggested that eurozone leaders, particularly in Germany, insisted on the levy because of the large amount of Russian capital kept in Cypriot banks, amid fears of money-laundering.
The growing popularity of this sort of indexing can become a self-fulfilling prophecy as a disproportionately enormous amount of money flows into the large companies that dominate the index.
The amount of money needed to restructure there is very large.
Every year they get to split up a huge amount of TV money, so there is no large gap between the richest clubs and the smallest clubs.
Nisbet sliced-and-diced information from several large campaign-finance databases like OpenSecrets.org and Maplight.org to estimate the amount of money environmental groups and the fossil-fuel industry spent on climate and energy campaigns.
Thomas then explained that unless a significant amount of money was offered on the stock exchange in a very short time, a large number of failures would result.