Storing large quantities of electricity has long been the domain of 150-year-old lead-acid chemistry.
For decades, large quantities of gold coins have been issued by sovereign governments around the world.
It remains inside the neurons for months, pumping out large quantities of the protective proteins.
Burning ethanol also releases large quantities of nitrogen oxide (smog) that causes respiratory disease.
Particularly busy were the bellhops hauling large quantities of shopping up to the presidential suite.
Also found were large quantities of cash, weapons and documents relating to the food-distribution system.
Germany has pledged to encourage the flow of large quantities of German capital and technology.
Coffee production uses large quantities of water and its processing can seriously affect water quality.
Also found were large quantities of cash, weapons and documents relating to the entire food distribution system.
Large quantities of wild greens and herbs are gathered from the hillsides for both food and medicinal purposes.
Large quantities of rolling tobacco, wine, beer and spirits were also confiscated in the raids on Wednesday and Thursday.
As a result, US companies were now buying up large quantities of petrol in Europe, thus driving up prices.
Australia will emerge as a gas superpower as it begins to deliver large quantities of LNG from offshore fields.
It is also uneconomic to transport large quantities of beer far when it is often heavily taxed across borders.
Animals given large quantities of PCBs to breathe suffered liver and kidney damage.
Ltd. recalled Bindeez Beads on Tuesday after three children in Australia swallowed large quantities of the beads and were hospitalized.
If they are reusables then you will be using large quantities of water, you'll be using energy, detergents, sterilising liquids.
Nuclear fission avoids using large quantities of fossil fuel for energy but is very contentious because it produces radioactive waste.
BBC: Impact of global warming may be severe and wide-ranging
While Russia's is a cash-driven economy, there are rules making it hard to withdraw large quantities of cash from a bank.
Salmas blamed wholesalers and pharmacies for exporting large quantities of drugs destined for Greeks to wealthier EU countries to increase profit.
CNN: Sick man of Europe: Life-support drugs run short in Greece
This has raised some concern, because the probe contains large quantities of fuel and oxidizer, both of which are toxic.
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"However, large quantities of debt remain outstanding at the end of the private concession which, must be recovered, " a spokesman said.
The strategies were successful, but now the companies have large quantities of cash and can find few places to use it effectively.
FORBES: Too Much Cash Becomes a Really Serious Business Problem
That means real capitalization, real growth to create large quantities of nodes.
These cells are able to recreate large quantities of the tumor proteins.
Destruction of the world's forests releases large quantities of CO2, which form part of the greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming.
Carrying large quantities of cash is as bad as not carrying any.
FORBES: How to Avoid ATM and Credit Card Scams When Traveling
Rats and other rodents have been dosed with large quantities of the chemicals, and have been found to develop tumours and other complaints.
He realized that the AAV could be used as factory inside the motor neurons to pump out large quantities of nourishing growth factors.