Gents with No Cents will make you laugh at the ignorance and cry at the incompetence.
As an aside, I had to laugh at the reaction of investment bankers to the deal.
"If you laugh at our suits, you're getting thrown out of here, " quipped Graham Nash.
And then at sometimes I would think this and then I laugh at myself.
After some discussion it comes out that he is afraid people will laugh at him.
He could laugh at jokes, and his awakenings stretched from a few hours to entire days.
But take the threat seriously so that you can still laugh at those commercials!
Mr Eisner and other media titans would surely laugh at so romantic a notion.
Over a crackly satellite phone connection today, Prof Siegert managed a laugh at the timing.
Children would laugh at me and everyone would say, 'Look it's her, it's her.
The insight guiding Latma is that people do not fear what they laugh at.
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His 1953 film, Trouble In Store, and hit records such as Don't Laugh At Me, became classics.
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You never laugh at the sickness and the people but you laugh at the absurdity of life.
That it manages to make them laugh at the same time is a rare and welcome feat.
The same journalists who laugh at the idea of perpetual motion embrace the voodoo of perpetual prosperity.
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Although Chevy Chase lampooned Ford as uncoordinated and prone to stumbling, he could laugh at that image.
The children in Manenberg laugh at the idea of calling in the police to fight the gangs.
In contradiction to the usual cartoonist caricatures of right-wing extremists, Mr Marais could also laugh at himself.
Her mother, while pretending to laugh at such superstitions, was, Emmeline knew, no different from her peasant forebears.
The interesting kids were the outcasts, the strange ones and the ones that were easy to laugh at.
Sometimes, we have to loosen up and be able to laugh at ourselves.
"Even if I tell people I'm in a film, they laugh at me, like the other canners, " she said.
The most dangerous people in the world are people who never laugh, especially those who never laugh at themselves.
"I didn't want my friends in Hollywood to laugh at me, " she says.
Your neighbors might look out their windows and laugh at your risque predicament.
FORBES: Cruel World Laughs At Naked Floridian Woman Caught by Google Street View Cameras
"You do not laugh at Mr. Glock, " says Christopher Edwards, the burly former deputy sheriff of Jefferson County, Ky.
People laugh at me to disappear but I'm not ready for that one.
As Gandhi famously said, First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
If you tell your friends you are buying an Eee Pad instead of an iPad, they will laugh at you.
His strong presentational style and his ability to laugh at his own mistakes helped endure him to the British public.