The radio-show host also compared Clinton unfavorably to first lady Laura Bush during the rally.
But Laura Bush said she took some of Obama's critiques of her husband personally.
What kind of statement is Laura Bush making by wearing Oscar de la Renta?
And obviously the First Lady and former First Lady Laura Bush are in Pennsylvania.
The president and first lady Laura Bush laid a wreath at the site in tribute.
On Wednesday, CNN's John King interviewed Laura Bush and asked her opinion on the anthem controversy.
Laura Bush, a librarian, saw to it that thousands of books ruined by the floods were replaced.
Eight African heads of state flew in for the ceremony, as well as Laura Bush and Condoleezza Rice.
As former first lady Laura Bush took the stage, she thanked Jones' widow, Nancy, for giving her the opportunity to speak.
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The attendance of President George W. Bush, first lady Laura Bush and Gov. Tim Kaine was an important source of support.
The event was co-chaired by U.S. first lady Laura Bush, who did not attend, and Madame Dorrit Moussaieff, first lady of Iceland.
Bush will host King's family at the White House, while first lady Laura Bush plans to visit King's hometown of Atlanta, Georgia.
President Bush and first lady Laura Bush came in the early evening on Thursday, following the close of the G-8 summit in Georgia.
So Laura Bush attempted to paint a picture of her husband wrestling with the great issues in the dark reaches of the night.
ECONOMIST: Why George Bush needs to be careful, rather than daring
Novak reports that first lady Laura Bush will hold a fundraiser for Senate candidate John Cornyn at the Four Seasons Hotel next Wednesday.
Laura Bush has specific interests in education and literacy but has not gone as far as she could have done in promoting them.
The opening address will be given by former First Lady of the United States Laura Bush, who is Honorary Ambassador for the UN Literacy Decade (UNLD).
Laura Bush, coming in the choppy wake of Hillary Clinton, sought to avoid the relay circuits of power, and played the role of quiet booster.
The opening address was given by former First Lady of the United States Laura Bush, who is Honorary Ambassador for the UN Literacy Decade (UNLD).
Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein and Former First Lady Laura Bush.
Her lack of pretense has made her popular with the portion of the electorate, and the media, for whom prim Laura Bush seems out of touch.
Since Eleanor Roosevelt, we had the most active first lady in Hillary Clinton and now we have Laura Bush, who is one of the least active.
Laura Bush, UNESCO Honorary Ambassador for the Decade of Literacy.
Laura Bush, the first lady of the United States at the time who advocated for the education of girls in Afghanistan, called the attacks a "cowardly and shameful" act.
In recent months Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has traveled extensively in the Middle East, and just last month first lady Laura Bush took a goodwill tour of the region.
First lady Laura Bush visited the site Friday.
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Bush and first lady Laura Bush will begin the one-year anniversary of the attacks at a private church service in Washington before attending a moment of silence at the White House at 8:46 a.m.