Televerde delivered five times as many leads as the other, and the leads were better.
For the year, health care leads the way, with a total of 56 departures.
The one area where the United States unquestionably leads the world is in spending.
From this level, a flight of stairs leads to the first viewing gallery on floor 69.
Behind the hall, a 17m marble carriageway carved with dragons leads up to the entrance.
Further upriver, Marie leads the way in a thrilling scramble though a maze of overground caverns.
With Skype in the workspace, I am visible to quality leads without even leaving the office.
And for the first time, he leads Senator Hilary Clinton in the delegate count.
But the payoff could be lucrative for Merck or whichever drugmaker leads the way.
Mr Komorowski, by contrast, is more popular than his party, Civic Platform, which leads the governing coalition.
He criticised the testimony of Detective Hilton Botha for not following up important leads and changing his evidence.
To one side is a great closed door, which leads to the Priory of the Knights of Malta.
The entrance however leads to an Aladdin-like marketplace of high-end Africana craft stores, art galleries and musty bookstores.
This leads to plenty of rocking-and-rolling during the 10-hour passage, with many passengers confined to their bunks.
It leads down at first, but just past a small trout farm, the path begins to gain elevation.
But he and New York City detective Stephen Louis Carella soldier on despite unpromising leads.
He takes the form of an enormous bunny rabbit and leads them on an adventure.
And the baggage (unintelligible) leads to redefinition and self-description of a group, you know.
This often leads to the executive not bringing the key, necessary qualities to the table.
We're in a position we've never been in before and let's see where it leads us.
Now, imagine a revolution, an entrepreneurial revolution, that leads to the creation of a middle class.
Senior director of global innovation Michael Perman leads Mindspark, an internal group inside GAP.
FORBES: Curiosity Didn't Kill The Cat, It Created The Mousetrap
Financing government by printing money inevitably leads to higher inflation and all of its associated problems.
Silvio Berlusconi, Italy's prime minister, leads a four-party ruling coalition that barely coalesces and scarcely rules.
Facebook as a primary tool for either acquiring new customers of generating sales leads.
The space is large but not cavernous, each hallway leads where you expect it to lead.
And if it leads to a few extra fans in the seats, the Mets won't complain.
Investment leads to capital accumulation, most capital is structures and structures are created using construction.
This road leads to Woudsend, a medieval burg laid out between two windmills and a harbor.
On the optimistic side, maybe your sales staff are working marketing leads better than anticipated.
FORBES: Three Critical Steps to Review Your First Quarter Results