It's still football though, you just need to learn to appreciate it for different reasons.
One hopes that as more mechanical watches become accessible women buyers will learn to appreciate their superior properties.
And like all the best pleasures, the more you learn to appreciate it, the more you discover in it worthy of appreciation.
You are forgetting men need to toe the line as well and learn to appreciate how hard women work in the work place and raising children.
According to Mutaqin, if the resort can benefit the local community by offering employment and bringing in tourism money, there is hope that people will learn to appreciate the precious nature of the environment in which they live before it is severely damaged.
"It's important to learn about the land, to appreciate it, and to understand the threats to it and the opportunities to better protect it, " he said recently during a rest day from his journey, officially called TrekEast.
So give yourself some time to learn it and appreciate the city's lilting cadences, its harmonies of excess and restraint.
Some of you know that I grew up in Hawaii mostly, and we got some pretty nice outdoors in Hawaii. (Laughter.) And you spend a lot of time outdoors, and you learn very early on to appreciate this incredible splendor.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at Conference on Conservation
They buy art to appreciate it, to learn from it and to profit from it.
And so I was fully able to appreciate her clarity, and to learn from her insights.
One thing a nurse can learn from working with thousands of patients and clients is to appreciate all we have in the body and mind that works.
Although my friends said they hated it when they were young, as they got older they came to appreciate that their parents pushed them so hard to learn and develop their potential.
Regardless of what the student intends to focus on later, they are given intensive training in the fundamental digital tools and platforms, which, as someone who used to make all his NYU comms students learn HTML, I could appreciate.