Effective leadership teams have a balance of left-brain and right-brain thinkers from a variety of backgrounds in order to draw from the broadest possible array of experiences when formulating positions and options.
It is already known that men have fewer connections between the left and right hemispheres of their brain.
There were twin arcs that processed my emotions and a bundle that connected the left and right sides of my brain.
The right side of the brain (also called right hemisphere) recognizes shapes and colors, while the left side of the brain processes information in an analytical and sequential way and is more active when people read text or look at a spreadsheet.
The split-brain research mentioned by Gazzaniga included showing a subject a different image in each eye, meaning the right and left halves of the brain were presented with different stimuli, with neither being aware of the other.
Injury to the left side of the brain will cause a right hemiplegia and injury to the right side a left hemiplegia.
That is, out of the linear, two-dimensional reality of the left brain and into the organic, multi-dimensional reality of the right brain.
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Giffords was left partially blind, with a paralyzed right arm and brain injury.
He also had bruised ribs, back, left and right testes, lips and bite marks on his tongue as well as bleeding and water on the brain, the report is quoted by AFP news agency as saying.
Giffords has relied on her resilience, Simon said, to recover from wounds that have left her with a brain injury, partial blindness and a paralyzed right arm.
As emotion is dealt with by the right side of the brain, and speech by the left side, this could explain why men find it more difficult to talk about their emotions.
Forensic pathologist Nicholas Hunt told the inquest in Crook, County Durham, the gunshot passed from above the right temple, back through the brain and out of the left side towards the back of the head.
Ms Giffords suffered a bullet wound to her brain's left hemisphere, which controls speech and movement for the right side of the body.
The right side of the brain is responsible for emotions and intuition, the left for logic and reason.
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While Hong Kong was more of a business center and Macau was becoming a resort destination, there were enough similarities to cross reference the data and his team was able to create an analytic left-brain quantitative prioritization model using a right brain intuitive approach to the data.
It taps into emotional brain centres and appears to arise in the right brain, whereas most language production occurs in the left cerebral hemisphere of the brain.
This means that the left hemisphere (language based) and right hemisphere (seat of emotions and non-verbal awareness) of the brain more neural communication, which is why most women may be better able to verbalize emotions (in general) than most men.
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Your brain has though a common point with investment banks, there are two parts : right and left.
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