• The president veers between social democracy and a more autocratic, radical brand of leftism.

    ECONOMIST: Ecuador's president

  • He went on to become a key player on the Livingstone-led Greater London Council during the 1980s when it came under heavy tabloid attack for so-called loony leftism.

    BBC: Ambassador Banks

  • But for Mr. Dodd, the chairman of the Senate Western Hemisphere panel, the romance with Latin American Leftism -- and the passion of anti-anti- communism -- appear to be unquenchable.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Now, confirm Secretary Reich

  • Thatcher's very presence was an insult to the left because it undermined the left's insistence that only leftism and its protection of the weak and disadvantaged would allow women to rise.

    WSJ: Peggy Noonan: Jobs, Thatcher and the Force of Life

  • The unprecedented prosperity enjoyed by most Greeks during the past decade helped to disguise some sentiments that were never far below the surface: ultra-leftism (including the violent sort which spills over into terrorism), ultra-nationalism and xenophobia.

    ECONOMIST: The Greek crisis

  • These things occurred, said Admiral Massera, because there was a war on: ostensibly against the mindlessly violent Montoneros guerrillas, but also against everything he felt they represented, atheism, leftism, nihilism and the destruction of Western Christian civilisation.

    ECONOMIST: Emilio Massera

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