The seat was made vacant after Geoff Corkish was elected to the Legislative Council in March.
Hollis French, who is managing the investigation launched in July by the bipartisan Legislative Council.
David Callister has served on the Legislative Council since 2008 and Eddie Lowey since 1982.
Four newly-elected members of the Legislative Council have been officially sworn in before Tynwald.
Seven nominations have been received for four available seats on the Isle of Man's Legislative Council.
"It strikes me that this is totally inappropriate, " George Ferguson, a member of the Newtown Legislative Council, said Tuesday.
The Legislative Council is the upper branch of Tynwald and has 11 members.
An investigation by the Palestinian Legislative Council into alleged corruption was shut down on Mr. Arafat's orders last year.
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Power is exercised by an elected legislative council and an appointed executive council.
Four people have been elected on to the Isle of Man's Legislative Council at a special sitting of the House of Keys.
The High Court of Tynwald, the parliament of the Isle of Man, has two branches - the House of Keys and the Legislative Council.
The election of former MHK Geoff Corkish to the Legislative Council means there will be a by-election to fill his seat in West Douglas.
The Legislative Council primarily acts as a revising chamber for bills.
The skilled politician and speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council has made guarantees of universal support the determining factor in whether he will accept the post.
Mr. SALAH TA'MARI (Palestinian Legislative Council Member): It's impossible.
The Legislative Council primarily acts as a revising chamber for bills and each candidate in the March election must initially be nominated by a member of the House of Keys.
He served the Palestinian Authority as minister of economy and trade and minister of industry between 1994 and 1996, when he was elected a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council.
The only politician I have seen publicly criticise Ms Wong is the Reverend Fred Nile of the Christian Democratic Party, a member of the New South Wales Legislative Council and a self-styled protecter of public morals.
The National Federation of Independent Business, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Small Business Legislative Council, worried the incoming Democratic Congress would look to raise revenue by narrowing the "tax gap, " formed the coalition in December.
Mr. COHEN: I think that what will be significant to the Israelis is if the Palestinian elections defeat Hamas and elect a list of members of the Palestinian Legislative Council who are determined to go forward in peace.
Welfare groups say that the American Legislative Exchange Council is the moving force behind these laws.
Ohio now ranks 47th out of 50 in economic competitiveness, according to the American Legislative Exchange Council.
The amendments are based on model legislation sponsored by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a bipartisan association of conservative state legislators.
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The death of Trayvon exposed the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a shadowy, corporate-funded group that has been one of the leading forces behind stand-your-ground laws.
Art Laffer, Steve Moore, and Jonathon Williams summarize the data in the 2010 volume of Rich States, Poor States, published annually by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).
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The latest work was produced by Art Laffer, Steve Moore and Jonathon Williams in their annually recurring volume Rich States, Poor States, published by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).
Individually and through trade groups and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the industry is bent on shutting down existing publicly-owned broadband systems and blocking the development of new ones.
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We saw it in the campaign to get corporations to withdraw from the American Legislative Exchange Council, a pro-market organization of state legislators that found itself branded racist for supporting state voter-ID and stand-your-ground laws.
Along those lines, the American Legislative Exchange Council, an organization of nearly 2, 000 conservative state legislators, earlier this year adopted model legislation drafted by the American Principles Project that caps pension payouts at the private sector median.
William Cronon, an American history professor at the University of Wisconsin, launched his new Scholar as Citizen blog with a lengthy post about the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a conservatively funded and fairly secretive group which is drafting reams of legislation for states across the country and has been since 1973.
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