President Carter's legislative team made a series of mistakes such as failing to give Speaker Tip O'Neill a sufficient number of invitations to the inauguration and not informing Democrats about when the president would visit their districts.
More than three decades before the massive storm devastated the Atlantic coast, a state law and a series of legislative reports began warning New York politicians to prepare for a storm of historic proportions that would cause the towering storm surge, overwhelming flooding and widespread power outages caused by Sandy.
The bill is the final part of a series of recent legislative reforms to the system of property law in Scotland based on reports published by the Scottish Law Commission.
An official in the prime minister's office said Thursday that Mr. Singh plans to try to reintroduce the expansion in foreign direct investment in retail after a series of state legislative elections that will conclude in early March.
The House Energy and Commerce Committee is advancing the president's cap-and-trade carbon initiative with a series of hearings and legislative sessions that have already begun.
In response to the injustice of such victims having to shoulder the burden of injury without a remedy, the laws of product liability emerged through a progressive series of judicial decisions and legislative acts.
Although a series of events allowed for a huge legislative breakthrough in 1964 and 1965, the Southern committee chairs regained power after the 1966 midterm elections and continued to assert their power in the closed rooms of Capitol Hill.