• The less developed countries were also saying we don't want to be compelled to do any of these.

    NPR: Panel: Gore Offered Ways to Curb Climate Change

  • The Asus Foundation has financed green projects but mostly backs IT-related philanthropy, such as sending computers to less developed countries.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • But they still find use in less developed countries, and there are even scythe enthusiasts and competitions throughout Europe and North America.


  • But in less developed countries, the promise of cheaper calls may be outweighed by the desire to protect the revenues of state-owned incumbents.

    ECONOMIST: Internet telephony

  • This bleak message resonates with what ordinary people in less developed countries would say about reform: Eradicating corruption will be a difficult task indeed.

    FORBES: Reforming Tony Soprano's Morals

  • The Vatican said they had a "cordial" private conversation about the financial crisis "and the duty to pursue initiatives benefiting the less developed countries".

    BBC: Pope is 'considering' visit to UK

  • Visitors arriving from less developed countries where TB is more prevalent may get little medical attention even if they admit to having the disease.

    BBC: TB: The killer returns

  • However, several less developed countries maintain more widespread restrictions on encryption, including Belarus, Burma, China, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tunisia and Vietnam, the report said.

    CNN: Survey finds encryption rules loosening worldwide

  • The irony is inescapable and the story a familiar one, as the developed world again turns to the less developed countries in hopes of powering their economies.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Sure, some might add a keyboard or monitor: but I really would bet good money that many currently under or less developed countries just never will go through the PC phase.

    FORBES: Android Activations Running at Nearly 1 Million a Day

  • There is also growing optimism that Pakistan will get generous terms for rescheduling its debt with the Paris Club - a club of rich states which lend money to less developed countries.

    BBC: Pakistan ratings upgraded

  • In mid-April, dozens of protest groups are planning to converge on Washington to highlight their opposition to the policies of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, which they say are impoverishing less developed countries.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Proposals put forth by ETNO would harm Internet users in less developed countries, depriving them of a full range of online tools and knowledge because large companies may be reluctant to pay for them to receive access.

    FORBES: Proposed Web Regulations Threaten Free Internet

  • Covering all regions of the world, these projects allow for the implementation of prevention programmes, the formulation of specific legislation against doping and the implementation of activities that strengthen capacities to fight against doping, especially in less developed countries.


  • Global warming may bring its own set of issues for future supply chains if it results in more flooding of low lying areas (as well as greater exposure to damage from tsunamis) in less developed countries that are prime candidates for future production.

    FORBES: Fragility and Recovery of Digital Storage Supply Chains

  • But if the smaller and scalable technologies prove effective, they will establish valuable niche markets for themselves not just among the TVAs of the world but also among those local utilities and less developed countries that need a clean and continuous source of power.

    FORBES: After Fukushima, U.S. Seeks to Advance Small Nuclear Reactors

  • It is also crucial that other less developed countries, particularly those in Latin America, not be victimized by blatant preferential treatment accorded reforming East European countries when the former are, in several cases, in equally desperate financial need and at least as firmly set on a course of painful economic sacrifice.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Safeguarding US Equities While Aiding Poland And Hungary

  • When it comes to economic integration and exchanges, I am completely sympathetic to the fact that there are challenges around monetary policy in developed and less-developed countries.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Delivers Remarks at CEO Summit Of The Americas | The White House

  • The World Bank has a project that studies the barriers to growth in less-developed countries.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • "The appetite for Internet access is actually going to be more intense in less-developed countries, " says Bronfman.

    FORBES: La Familia Bronfman

  • Agrimonde's authors suggest that by consuming 25% less in developed countries, developing regions, such as sub-Saharan Africa, could increase consumption by 30%.

    CNN: French report suggests new ways to feed the future

  • Satellite telephones should also be useful in shipping and aviation, as well as in less-developed countries that lack either modern fixed-wire or wireless telephone infrastructures.

    ECONOMIST: Is Iridium about to fall to earth?

  • Humans don't use animal power for agriculture much more, but oxen and horses are still harnessed for work in less-developed countries, particularly as poor farmers have to deal with increasing fuel prices.


  • Bush has said he opposes the Kyoto treaty in part because it does not include less-developed countries that collectively are significant consumers of fossil fuels and because it could have a negative impact on the U.S. economy.

    CNN: Bush plugs new plans to study global warming

  • In the less-developed countries of South Asia and Southeast Asia family fortunes and homegrown foundations are taking on more of the causes that for decades were addressed by Western giants such as the Ford and Rockefeller foundations.

    FORBES: The Poor Among Us

  • As for the western states' mineral and farm exports, they will surely grow over time as less developed Asian countries such as China, Vietnam and Indonesia increasingly industrialise and switch to more meat and grain in their diets.

    ECONOMIST: The West: Shudders from Asia | The

  • "Like a giant welfare cheat, Gorbachev is trying to muscle the Soviet Union to the head of the line for U.S. emergency assistance, pushing aside the more urgent and deserving needs of men, women, and children from some 40 less-developed countries in desperate economic straits, " said Jennifer J.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Moscow Center's Food Aid Crusade: Where's The Beef?

  • The high-debt less-developed countries (LDCs) and developing countries would be justifiably angry in regarding this development as an effort by the OECD countries to tilt the international economic and financial playing field in favor of the Soviet Bloc -- leaving the LDCs and developing democracies even further out in the cold during the 1990's.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Mr Shapiro also warns that physically small and less well-developed countries, such as South Korea and Vietnam, are more vulnerable because the effects of a pandemic will be more pervasive there.

    ECONOMIST: Avian influenza

  • Britain undeniably spends less than other developed countries.

    ECONOMIST: Labour��s new prudence

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