Jim Carey's antics in Liar, Liar blared appropriately and footsteps echoed nicely in The Getaway.
"The US government is as much a liar as he is because it converted a killer who has been sought for decades into a simple old liar, " he said.
Archive Sharif Press Conference Aztec TV 20" Music Liz Drew 10" INT JAIL: SHARIF SYNC: SHARIF: They're liars - the governor is a liar, and the chief prosecutor is a liar too.
At a routine level, men lie to get women in bed ("you're beautiful, " "my wife doesn't understand me"), lie when they are there (witness the hilarity that greets Jim Carrey's "I've had better" to a postcoital inquiry in the movie Liar Liar), and lie afterward ("I'll call you in the morning").
The Liar Show features four writers and comics who tell 10 - minute personal stories.
McNamee called Clemens a "pathological liar" in a story published Sunday in the Daily News.
Gwen is an accomplished liar, and Hawn spins her biggest whoppers with sweeping confidence.
Jeffrey Skilling's lawyer must convince at least one juror his client isn't a liar.
"I had bullets flying around me, and now they're telling me I'm a liar, " Rassmann said.
CNN: Political drama unfolds as letter carriers fail to deliver
Lewis, who has no stake in this project, went down a similar road with Liar's Poker.
"I'd be a liar if I said I wanted a world title fight now, " he said.
The scary thing about his admission is that he is such a good liar.
Some called him a fool, others a liar who was in on the hoax.
Billy Liar and even part of Monty Python's The Meaning of Life were made in Bradford.
British politicians have hit each other with far worse than liar or even decent.
Drug and alcohol dependency can make a liar out of just about anyone who has this issue.
Comments and critics suggest or say explicitly that this man is a pathological liar and an impostor.
So they said she was doing what she was told, then desperately called Sarah Palin a liar.
"I believe that Rod Blagojevich is a liar, and I believe he is a thief, " Franks said.
Not that he is a liar, he simply doesn't know what the truth is and doesn't care.
Recep and Eyup Cetin said they did not accept the witness's statement and called him a liar.
Because they give added clarity, clusters play a key role in our ability to spot a liar.
By ignoring the road map, Netanyahu managed to avert the need to call Obama a liar directly.
The best he could do was decline to call Mr. Borker a liar for saying that it did.
It was Michael's first smash hit since Liar's Poker in the 1980s, and his best yet, I think.
Or is he an opportunistic liar who should not be trusted with any responsibility for the public good?
During the inquest, Mr Webb was described as a "pathological liar" and a "sad man" by the coroner.
He then said: "Although she was a compulsive liar, she was a very nice person, " and she agreed.
In a January 26 post to the Armed Forces Tea Party Facebook page, Stein called Obama a liar.
That Bernie was also a liar and a murderer is not something that most of Carthage ever took in.