Both the Conservatives and Lib Dems want an independent inquiry, headed by a judge, into the pre-war intelligence.
Lib Dems Brendan Glynane said despite the party's poor performance people recognised "how hard we work".
They are running for 60 seats - the same number as the Lib Dems.
But Mr Farage said UKIP took votes from Labour and Lib Dems, not just Tories.
But look at the policies, rather than the man, and the Lib Dems seem less appealing.
The Lib Dems have 57 seats, which is down five on their result in 2005.
But the Tories are the Lib Dems' main threat in the majority of their 63 seats.
Whatever the vicissitudes of the polls, history, Lib Dems feel, is on their side.
Chairman of North Devon Council, Lib Dem Geoff Fowler, said there had been "concerns all round".
In this era of Coalition one has to be Conservative, and one Lib Dem.
Lib Dem pensions minister Steve Webb said the goal was to introduce Leveson's recommendations in full.
The Lib Dems warned that it could weaken incentives for people to save for pensions.
Labour, the Tories and the Lib Dems claimed proposed legislation going through Holyrood was deeply flawed.
Could the Lib Dems and the SNP find common cause to derail the independents?
Lib Dem candidate Mike Thornton has won the vacant seat in the Eastleigh by-election.
It is also a piece of political positioning ahead of the Lib Dems' Spring Conference tomorrow.
The Lib Dems' projected national share of the vote is estimated to be unchanged at 16%.
If the Lib Dems could have designed a Newcastle seat, this would have been it.
The party took three seats from the Tories and one off the Lib Dems in Chorley.
The more salient environmental issues become, they argue, the better the Lib Dems should do.
But Labour, Tory and Lib Dem members refused to support the legislation as it stood.
He said a letter from Lib Dem Huhne suggested he was "in good shape".
Traditionally, the Lib Dems have been much more luke warm about private health care provision.
The Lib Dem leadership will be relieved at the lack of any significant rebellion this week.
It certainly seemed like everything was at stake in Eastleigh for the Lib Dem leader.
What happened: The Lib Dems put everything into the campaign and it paid off.
It will strengthen Nick Clegg and it will embolden Lib Dems as the coalition dynamic evolves.
Gloucestershire Con 40, Lib Dem 14, Lab 5, Ind 3, Green 1 all seats up.
Northamptonshire Con 54, Lib Dem 10, Lab 6, Ind 2, Ukip 1 all seats up.
Cornwall Con 46, Lib Dem 36, Ind 34, MK 6, Lab 1 all seats up.