Her appearance on the witness list now meant that she would have to lie under oath.
Both countries covet the oil and gas reserves believed to lie under the surrounding waters.
Indeed, they had an understanding that each would lie under oath (explained more fully in Ground VI below).
Many conditions that we measure either directly with lab tests or behaviorally can lie under a mask of apparent normalcy or typicality.
Shafts from old mines lie under the region, said Butler County commissioner William L. McCarrier, who worked as a water well driller in the area during the 1970s.
Fewer people believe that Clinton lied under oath about the affair and that he participated in an effort to obstruct justice by getting Lewinsky to lie under oath.
"In Chokwe, one of the hardest hit districts -- the normally vibrant streets now lie under water --all business brought to a standstill and social services shut down, " the United Nations said.
The money would be used to form an independent team of prosecutors, both on the federal and state level, whose sole mission is to provide a resource to go after those who lie under oath at trial or when making claims.
High oil prices and dwindling land reserves are pushing oil and gas companies to exploit hydrocarbon reserves that lie deep under the ocean.
Under the tarp lie beds for his wife, his mother and his child.
This remains only a suspicion, however, because the results of these lie-detector tests (administered under circumstances unclear to Sutton Associates) cannot entirely be trusted.
People change their behaviour under scrutiny, and lie on questionnaires.
Wall Street regarded it with disdain, and when companies under investigation were called to give testimony their executives may have felt little reluctance to lie, which carried far less risk than admitting to a crime under oath in a civil action.
Western governments are under no illusions regarding the challenges that lie ahead in the region.
CNN: Algeria attack changes terror landscape in North Africa
Westwood, who carded a two-under-par 70 at Kingsbarns to lie four off the lead, would usurp Tiger Woods as world number one with a top-two finish.
Today, more than two decades later, the city's streets lie overgrown, and schools, apartments and shops crumble under the twin onslaught of time and the elements.
Legend has it that way up at King's Cross train station, somewhere under platform No. 9 or 10, lie the remains of the fearless Iceni warlordess Boudica, whom the Romans polished off with about 80, 000 of her kinsmen in A.D. 60.
Once under way, Alpha's success appears to lie more in its structure than its content.
"The last four or five holes, I was pretty nervous, I'm not going to lie, " said Lewis, who finished at 15-under 273 Sentosa Golf Club.
Yet the suspicion is that such gambles lie beyond the talents of most steel managers, who have grown soft under the soothing influence of trade barriers and subsidies.
Woods carded a second consecutive five-under-par 67 to join overnight leader Nick Watney (70) on 10-under-par, with world number two Phil Mickelson returning a 66 to lie a shot behind alongside compatriot Ryan Moore and Spain's Alvaro Quiros.
The biggest challenges will lie in Africa - where agricultural productivity has been falling and 30% of the population is permanently under-nourished.
" Dave Lenny, Greene's lawyer, responded to Tice's demand for an apology in February 2008, saying that "under no circumstances will Mr. Greene either violate the terms of the settlement agreement or lie to any individual that your clients have not engaged in material fraud when it is clear they have.