You're making music and you know, everyone's asking you questions about your life and stuff.
Victorian undertakers aside, this really is life and death stuff.
"If you think about stuff in your life and you start thinking about it again, and again, and again, and you kind of spiral away in this continuous rumination about what's happening to you and to the world -- people who do that are at risk for depression, " he said.
Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus write about a meaningful life with less stuff.
The work we do -- the value we create -- is for the rest of what we want: the stuff that makes life fun, meaningful, and purposeful.
Professor SAPOLSKY: I think you get to a time in life where by definition stuff's turning to quicksand and wherever you can get some solid footing of the familiar suddenly becomes real comforting.
It also gives your TV a social life, letting you watch crazy stuff your friends are sharing on Facebook and Twitter.
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Having multiple touchstones of success, not just money and stuff, helps keep the rough patches in business and life in proper perspective.
As in life, in Star Trek stuff happens, things fall apart, breakdowns occur, and warp engines fail.
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She doesn't sugarcoat the very real challenges that come with age physical limitations, loss of loved ones, illness but there's good stuff, too, like wisdom, courage and a rich inner life that gets better as we age.
Because it is very volatile-rich, the chances are that during its whole life time the meteorite has never been heated up very much and that means all this primordial stuff should be very well preserved.
If critics gripe that the corporate behemoth just wants to sell more soda and chips, it can note that the ads were brought to life by snackers who love the stuff.
You start out as a new survivor and on that life and that life only you can go find your previous character, smash their zombie brains into a pulp, and recover your lost stuff.
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"There are some things that the bank might be able to do automatically, where the bank itself has applied charges to your account but there's so much other stuff - the way in which it impacted on our real life - that unless you make some notes and write it down and actually claim, no-one else is going to know about it", Mr Cresswell explained.